Rules and info:
1. When you nominate a fic please indicate which catagory it is nominated for.
2. Fics do not have to be on the site, if they are please indicate they are, if not please provide a link to where they can be found.
3. Fics must be COMPLETED! There will be a catagory for unfinished fics.
4. I along with someone who is helping me (CleopatraRoswellEmperass) Will be checking the nominations to make sure they go along with the rules. When a fic is nominated it will be placed under that catagory and then After June 15th Voting will begin.
5. You can NOT nominate yourself. Have faith that others will. Go and ask them to nominate you or vote for you.
6. If you nominate an author, I do need a link to some of their work.
7. You can nominate a fic for more than one catagory, if it is a completed fic!!
8. If you would like to see another catagory added please let me know.
9. If you can please get the authors email addy so I can let them know they have been nominated.
10. You can nominate any Fics , no matter the rating!
11. The submission form is below the catagories.
12. PLEASE PLEASE, ONLY ONE VOTE PER FIC PER CATAGORY(ex. if you vote for "Let me See" in Best Sci-Fi only vote for it once. You can vote for it if it is nominated in another catagory, but only once in that one to.)
13. Each Catagory needs at least 4 nominees(there can be more in the catagory so don't stop nominating if there is already 4)and a Max of 10, but they need atleast 4 to move to the Voting. If a catagory does not have 4 nominees then The catagory will not move on to Voting.The only exception to the 10 nominee's is the Unfinished Catagory ( and it can only have 20).
14. MY Fics CAN NOT be included (thank you Polarist) but it is not fair and I am doin this for other Authors.
15. If a fic is nominated that is NOT completed(unless it's for best unfinished) or does NOT have a link to it , or If an Author is nominated and a link to one of their fics is NOT included, They will be DELETED!!!