Where is the County?

Although elsewhere on this site I have stated the boundaries of the county plainly enough for it to be found in a decent road atlas, many more people have wondered just where the county is supposed to be than have looked it up for themselves. For the sake of convenience, I've made this page.

Rowan-Oak lies in the southern and western area of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the first British colony in the New World. Virginia is on the Atlantic seaboard along the Chesapeake Bay. The state is shown in purple, below.

Rowan-Oak is about two hundred and fifty miles inland from the sea, between the eastern escarpment of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the New River Valley. It borders both West Virginia (to kithain, the disputed Duchy of Winterthorn) to the north and North Carolina (Duchy of the Triangle) to the south. It is marked with a dotted red line in the map of Virginia below.

See a map of the County

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