
If your interested in managing a Band community let us know
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Landless First Nations

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Some of these Bands have just gained recognition and some are negotiating for a land base we will post information as soon as we get it. If you have any information that you would like to display in this site please let us know and we will try to accommodate your request

1850 Robinson Superior Treaty

Visit our Polls and You Tell Us

Case-sensitive? yes...exact...not exact

A Saskatchewan Court said that Status Indians should not pay any taxes what so ever regardless if you are on reserve or not.....tell us what you think about this ruling.


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About this site

This site wants to connect you, your business, your First Nation with others from the area
This is not an official site of any of the First Nation but rather a place that people can come for information
We provide Bulletin Boards, chat, and space to post what ever it is you want.
This site is dependant on your assistance to help get the communities going
If you are interested in managing any of the communities we would be most appreciated
You can join your First Nation community and the Robinson Superior Treaty community
Discussions and topics are left to your imagination 


Want to manage a community

You must be a member of the Band that you are managing
You would have to promote the communities to Band members
You would decide what the discussions would be
You should have some interest and knowledge of updating and modifying a web page

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please come back soon