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Humpback Whale Breaching                                 Humpback whale Sounding

Photos I took here last summer

Deb & RUDY have been engaged in community volunteer work with primary emphasis toward education.Deb & Rudy took a 1\2 year docent training course at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History 11 years ago and have been touring and teaching students that visit the museum on field trips ever since.Deb trained the dogs and qualified them as therapy dogs.They visit schools,hospitals and retirement homes where they perform.Rudy trained as a Naturalist specializing in Whales and Pinipeds.He now goes on whale watching trips out of the local harbor lecturing on whales and gathering data for the Museum and Channel Islands Marine Sanctuary.The Santa Barbara channel has migrating whales from Jan through April and   Humpback and Blue whales from June through August . Its a tough job but someone has to do it !