Fusion Quiz
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Fusion Quiz

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1. What two isotopes of hydrogen are used to make the fusion bomb?
    a) Lithium and Trinomium
    b) Deuterium and Tritium
    c) Uranium-235 and Uranium-238
    d) Tritium and Plutonium

2. How hot must it be for the Deuterium and Tritium to react and begin the fusion reaction?
    a) 2 billion degrees Kelvin
    b) 1 degree Celsius
    c) 100 million degrees Celsius
    d) 100 degrees Fahrenheit

3. What state are the two isotopes changed into once the temperatures are hot enough?
    a) plasma
    b) solid
    c) gas
    d) liquid

4. What is mixed with Deuterium to turn it into a solid compound?

5. How large of an explosion does a Teller-Ulam hydrogen bomb produce?
    1 billion-ton explosion
    Who cares
    2 pound explosion
    7,000,000-kiloton explosion