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Ryan's Hope
Cast Celebrates
100 Performances

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There were two joyous occasions for Ryan's Hope to celebrate during the first week of November.

In the storyline, Frank Ryan had won his bid for election as a New York City councilman. Frank celebrated his victory in Election Day at the Ryan bar with his family, friends, and supporters in attendance. Offstage, cast, crew and press gathered together at the ABC-TV studio where the who is tapes and make marry while celebrating the show's 100th broadcast.

Most of the cast were there to make whoopee. Michael Hawkins (Frank Ryan), Faith Catlin (Faith Coleridge), Rosalinda Guerra (Ramona Gonzalez), and Diana van der Vlis (Nell Beaulac) were the only absentees. For most of the performers, this was the first soap opera celebration they had ever attended. But the show's success in the ABC-TV daytime line-up indicates it won't be their last.

Since the show began airing in July, the cast has been inundated for requests for photos and interviews. And the show's loyal fans have contributed to the steady and ever-growing flow of mail for their favorite Ryan's Hope stars.

The 100th broadcast party was certainly a great event for this newest of daytime dramas. It was totally relaxed, informal affair, and a bit more exciting than most parties of its kind--mainly because the cast's enthusiasm for their work was only surpassed by their playful exuberance during the mix-and-mingle.

Congratulations to Ryan's Hope for a landmark "birthday," and thanks to the cast for a delightful, fun reception.

© 1975 Lamplight Enterprises, Inc.. [Daily TV Serials, Volume 4, Number 1 - January 1976]

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