Ryan's Hope


Jack thinks he's come up with the perfect answer to a sticky problem. He's asked his Editor, Ed, to call him when Mary gets home and offer him the coverage of the Democratic National Convention! Ed does as asked and Jack, in Mary's presence of course, is elated. Covering the Convention is quite a feather in his cap .... And quite a wilted wedding bouquet for Mary. The Convention and the Wedding coincide. Mary is as patient as she can possibly be and tells Jack, "I want it to happen any way you want, but I want it to happen!"


Maeve tells Frank that she overheard Dee and Sheila planning to meet at their favorite Chinese Restaurant. Frank is naturally curious to meet the Sheila that Dee spends all her time with and surprises Dee at the restaurant. After climbing back into the skin she jumped out of when she saw Frank, she tells him Sheila is usually late and that he probably won't get to meet her

after all. Then Roger/Sheila walks in and Dee has to run after that skin she's just jumped out of again! Roger is openly hostile and sneering towards Frank as he offers a $1000 campaign contribution in the name of his father, Dr. Ed Coleridge. Frank accepts. When he leaves, Dee is furious and angry and scared and leaves Roger sitting there. Roger vows to tell Frank the truth.


Jill reads two letters to the jury that were written by Nell. In both of the letters, Nell writes of her great love and devotion for Seneca, and tells oŁ her relief that Seneca has promised to never let her linger on by any artificial means. How can any jury now, after hearing those loving and moving letters, find Seneca guilty of anything but loving his wife better than himself?.

Nick finds $2,000 in Reenie's pocket book and forces her to spill the beans. She does and Nick goes to Channel R to tell 'Sam to get out of town. Sam, knowing that Nick Szabo is not a good enemy to have, agrees to his wishes. But not before finding Reenie at Ryan's with Bucky! He plans to have it out with Reenie and in front of Bucky. Will he really do it?

The D.A. begins his closing argument and implies that Seneca murdered his wife for her money and to have an affair with Dr. Hill. Seneca, furious, jumps up and shouts, "This entire trial is a lie! It's time the jury heard the truth and I'm going to tell it!"

The "truth" Seneca insists on telling may cause him to lose his case. He tells the jury of his love for Nell and that she never wanted to be kept alive by mechanical means. He tells them that he disconnected the respirator With full knowledge of the law and its consequences. He further admits to having been advised against taking these measures and that in spite of all that, he willfully (and out of love) ended Nell's "half life." Yes, he did it once and yes, if the same situation repeated itself he would do it again (as far as Nell was concerned). In spite of the love that prompted this act, the jury may feel compelled, in light of his open admission of "guilt," to find him guilty as charged.

Dee has finally Convinced Jill to intercede with Roger for her. Roger is not to be swayed, As far as he sees it; he wants Dee and he should have her. Besides, when the marriage between Dee and Frank break up, Jill can have Frank! · . . And shall they all live happily ever after?...

Sam has told Bucky everything. Reenie is finished. She'll never be able to marry Bucky's thirty million dollars now!! Bucky's been had, and now he knows it. "Ta, ta, Little Poison" are his parting words to Reenie.

Jack has purchased two tickets on the "River Queen" for their honeymoon. It's a paddleboat that goes down the Mississippi River and Mary is overcome with happiness. The wedding is to take place on schedule. Jack is still looking a little woebegone at the prospects.


Dee has extracted a promise from Roger. He has agreed to stop pestering her at Ryan's and be content to see her once or twice a week (at her convenience). Dee is greatly relieved. Little does she know what she's in for! Roger has just called Frank's office and left a rather startling message. Frank is to, at his wife's request, meet her and Sheila at Leto's to taste the results of their Chinese cooking class. When Frank arrives, he is a bit puzzled, to say the least. Mrs. Lem knows nothing of a cooking class or a "Sheila". Frank returns to Ryan's and questions his mother about Dee and Sheila. It's all becoming one big puzzle. No one knows Sheila, no one has seen Sheila, or talked to her, or seen her home or anything. When Dee comes in Frank questions her, and she becomes agitated and makes up some ridiculous tale. He claims to believe her but he doesn't. Why is it that only Roger knows Sheila?

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Lovely Nancy Addison (Jill) was a happy guest at Mary & Jack's wedding.

Dee tells Roger of her near miss with Frank in trying to evade the "Sheila" topic. Ever faithful Roger comes up with an incredibly

intricate plan and off Dee goes, happy as a silly lark. The plan is to set a date, and a menu and invite the world to Sheila's and her dinner party. She's even to buy some of the food. Well! At the minute, Sheila will have to leave town and the dinner, to tend to he ailing mother. Good thinking Roger/Sheila! Too bad that Frank just won't fall for it!!


Seneca has been found guilty of 2nd degree assault!! That's certainly better than the other counts he'd been tried for (manslaughter and first degree assault). Jill wants Seneca to appeal his conviction. Even though he's been convicted on a lesser charge; the sentence maximum is seven years!!

Mary's sister, Kathleen, is in town! Dee is annoyed that Kathleen and Mary have become the center of attraction; after all, she is the prettiest, the sexiest, the most deserving of praise and attention. When Roger comes into Ryan's with the menu for the "dinner" she and Sheila are having, and a beautiful silver bracelet; Dee is appeased. She is once again the center of attraction. Jill walks in and sees Roger and Dee talking and having a fine time and thinks it is absolutely disgusting. She accuses Roger of being the reason Seneca had to go to trial in the first place, and generally views Roger as an incredibly despicable character.

Maeye has overheard Jill's conversation with Roger and wonders how Seneca is making out. They talk and Jill has to admit that she has more than a "client-attorney" feeling for Seneca.

Jack had one too many at his bachelor party and Mary's brother-in-law, Art, offered to see him home--only Jack outfoxed him! Jack asked Art to get him a paper and while he did . . . Jack jumped into a cab and left. Where is Jack now? No one seems to know.

"Where is your wife now?" That's a question Frank can't answer, He's received a letter (written by Roger) asking him where his wife is, and what she's doing. When Dee comes in, Frank asks if she's in trouble but she vehemently denies it.

Mary is having pre-wedding jitters and Maeye and Frank have tried to comfort her. Mary is afraidl but we're sure her love for Jack will carry her down the altar with happiness and hope for a beautiful future with the man she · loves.

Seneca has been sentenced to two years probation and seven days in jail On the face of it, the sentence does not seem severe at all; however, to a doctor, it is sure disaster. Again Jill pleads with Seneca to allow her to appeal... but his answer is still no. He is determined to be punished.

Jack has been found . . . but oh, the state he's in! He's soused to the gills and beyond. Johnny would be very happy to have Jack not show up at the church; but Mary is his daughter ... and she wants Jack . . . so Jack she shall have.

Delia is courting disaster. She is wearing the necklace that Roger gave her and everyone . . but everyone., has noticed it... including Jill. She recognizes it as the necklace her father gave to her mother. Jill demands its return.


Jack finally sobers up and arrives at the church. Only by this time, Mary is having very serious doubts. All in the church are anxious over the delay. Finally Delia and Kathleen walk down the aisle, and then . . . nothing. No Mary? Where is she? She's still trying to decide . . should she or shouldn't she. Finally, breathlessly, all heads turn.., down the aisle is coming a vision of lace and loveliness and love. Mary and Jack are finally marricd and the festivities have begun!!!

Frank has seen Dee and Jill argue about the necklace and is more than a little curious. Dee says it's a piece of junk jewelry and that Jill mistook it for her mother's. Frank listens, but doesn't quite believe it. The next day he asks Jill to verify Dee's story and she does. She does so, however, with mountains of inner anger and hatred for Roger. Jill knows that Roger has set this whole thing up and she hates having to lie to protect Dee and Roger in order to save Frank's marriage and possibly his career. Jill confronts Roger, but he is not at all upset. He wants Frank to find out. He wants Dee, and nothing else matters.


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