We have a great sell going on now! Get your personalized name designed and painted in an abstract or surreal painting style for only 45.00 !!!

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WHAT IS CCA STUDIO? CCA Art Studio stands for Contemporary Christian Art. It is a studio in the home where I create Oil and Mixed-Media Landscape Paintings along with other Art media such as Art on Glass and Lampshades. I also do some Desktop Publishing part-time for free-lance.

.Welcome to CCA Studio
CCA Studio:Contemporary Christian art Studio
WHO IS THE ARTIST? The Artist is Shirley Jones for McKenzie Tennessee. She has a B.F.A. Degree in Fine Art and a Minor in Art design. She has experience with the use of Computer Software; such as, PageMaker, Work 6.0, and many Paint Programs. She has also had experience with printmaking, papermaking and embossing. And she a self taught Web-Design creator who creates her work of art from God’s Inspiration and anointing.

WHAT IS CCA STUDIO & CATALOG? It is the Section where I Advertise My Art Works and Services This section will also list Art Galleries and Art Studios from the web.
WHAT IS THE GALLERIA? It is the section where I advertise my favorite Artist from the Web.
CCA Galleria: View works of Art from CCA's Favorite Artist.

WHAT IS THE ARTIST TEAM? This is a Section where I will advertise other Artist and their Art sites as a part of my CCA Art Studio Team. CCA Art Studio will create a Web Page for any artist who has art works to sell, and advertise it as a link to this page for a low fee.
Brekke,a part of the team has a word on Surrealism:

CCA LIST OF SERVICES: This will be a list of Services we provide along with our prices and order form.
CCA Price List: Take a look at our prices and order form.

Need a Free Webstore to sell your Art Works, Click Here:
FreeDrive,Get Free Space for your art works:

Visit some Artist at CDNOW or Ron Kenoly
ART.COM Art GAllery

CCA RESUME: This is the Resume of the Chief Artist of CCA Studio.
Resume Page:Take a look at CCA's Resume
ARTS AND OTHER ARTIST: This is the section which list other Art services and Artist which are affiliated with us.
Art & Art Sites: View other Artist and their art Sites.

Please sign My Guess Book Before Entering the Studio,Please!

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