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Welcome to the Rightly

Dividing The Word

Bible Study.



This Bible Study has three sections.

The Introducton:

The Word of God, What is Believing, and
 What is the Gospel. The first two sections are one part ,while the last section is one part.
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Part 1 of Rightly Dividing The Word.

By: Pastor Larry Smith


Part 1

(Authority of the Word)

Scriptures: Special Points Presented:
John 17:17 Word is truth
John 4:23-24 Must worship in spirit and truth.
You Must have both to be a true worshipper.
John John 1:1,14 Jesus is the living Word.
John 12:48 Word will judge us in the last day.
Rev. 20:12-15 Two books (one, book of files; other is 66 books of the Bible)
that will judge us in the last day.
Our works will be judged by the word.
2 Tim. 3:12-16 Verse 14 - - things thou has learned. -- What things? -- Things taught by Paul.
We must obey what the Apostles taught. Verse 16 – Word is inspired of God;
profitable for Doctrine, Reproof, Correction, and Instruction.
2 Peter 1:20-21 No Private interpretation of scripture. Men wrote as moved by the Holy Ghost
2 Peter 3:15-18 It is Possible to wrestle with scriptures to own destruction. Example ( Dark Ages) Rev. 22:18-20 Can’t add nor take away from the word.
2 Tim.2:15 Word must be rightly divided.

The Gospel
(What is Believing?)

John 3:1-21 - Verses 3-8 - - A Person must be born again of water and of spirit in order to be saved.
John 7:38-39 - Must believe on Jesus as the scripture has said.
Rom.10:8-18 - Must hear the word preached by a man sent by God.
Rom. 1:16 - Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes it. Believes what? The Gospel.
John 17: 20 – Jesus Prayed for those that would believe on him by the words of the apostles.
Mark 1:15 – Believe what? The Gospels. – Not just believe Jesus existed.
2 Cor. 4:1-5,10 – If the Gospel is hid to you, you are lost. What Gospel?- The one that Paul Preached, because he said our gospel.

Ephe.1:13 – Church at Ephesus was saved after they had heard the word of truth, the gospel, and had believed it . -Must preach the gospel so we won’t be chargeable unto men. Verse 13—They received and believed the word.
1Thes.2: 9-16 - Verse 16- They were forbidden to speak to gentiles about the gospel. Why? Because one must hear the gospel
- which the apostles preached in order to be saved.
2Thes. 1: 7-10 – Lord will appear from heaven in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that don’t obey the gospel. Verse 10 – Paul said, “ Because our testimony was believed, “ Lets us know he was speaking of the gospel he preached.

Part 2 of Rightly Dividing The Word


(What is the Gospel)

Scriptures: Special Points Presented:

 (I Cor. 15:34/John3:16 Scriptures:)  

 Matt. 28:18-10 -All power is given me,
-He Spoke briefly, not emphasizing whom the titles represented. –Name is singular, not names.
-He taught us to observe all things he had commanded. Luke 24: 44-53 -He opened their understanding so that they could understand the scriptures.
-Remission and sins should be preached in his name beginning at Jerusalem. -Will have to go
-Acts to see how it was preached.
Acts 1:4-8,15 -Receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you. – Verse 15- tells the number people
-waiting for the promise of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 2: 1-21 -Received the Holy Ghost—Spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance.  -Not just the 12—because they are speaking 17 different languages.— -Verses 17-21 -is a quotation from the prophet Joel.
Acts 2:37-42 -He Commanded them to be baptized in Jesus Name for the remission of sins ( Remember
-Luke 24:47). The Promise is to everyone God calls.
Why? Must be Born of the Spirit.
-They that gladly received His word were baptized.
They continued in the apostles doctrine.
1Peter 3:20-21 -Baptism in Jesus name was the birth of the water. –Baptism doth now save us
—Removes sin
from one’s conscience.
Acts 22:16 - The conversion of Paul – be baptized and wash away thy sins calling on the name of the Lord
(Paul was saved by the same thing Peter preached).
Acts 9: 5,17-18 - Further tells us about the conversion of Paul -- He received the Holy Ghost as well as being
- Baptized to wash away his sins.
Acts. 4:10-12 - Must be in Jesus Name.
Col. 3:17 - Do all in the Name – This includes Baptism.
Col. 2: 8-12 - New Testament circumcision is baptism in Jesus Name for remission of sin.
Acts 8: 5-24 - Healed , joy, demons cast out, yet did not have the Holy Ghost.
- Baptized how? In the name of Jesus Christ.—They received the Holy Ghost.
- Simon offered money for that power, so there have been something outward and miraculous
- that happened.
Acts 10: 1-6,33,43-48
- This devout man, feared God, gave alms, prayed always and yet he wasn’t saved.
- Get Peter he will tell you what you ought to do. Why? Because we must hear it from a
- man sent from God. Verse 33- - We want to hear all things commanded you of God.
- Verses 43-48- - Received Holy Ghost ,spoke in tongues, and were commanded to be
- baptized in the name of the Lord.
Acts16:30-34 - Told jailer to believe on the Lord (What is Believing? Believing the Gospel preached by a
- sent of God.)
- He preached unto him the Word of the Lord. 
He baptized them the same hour of the night.
Acts 18 : 24-28 - Apollos knew only the baptism of John ,but he accepted the rest of the truth
when it was presented.
Acts 19: 1-6 - They had believed on the Lord and had been baptized in water. Paul baptized them
- In Jesus name and received the Holy Ghost and Spoke with tongues (birth of water and Spirit).


Part 3

(The Importance of the Word)

Scriptures: Special Points Presented:


1Tim. 4: 1-4 - Preach the word.
1Tim. 1:3 -( Paul is the writer) No other doctrine, from what? (From the one the Apostles taught.)
1Tim. 4:13-16 - Doctrine will save you and those that hear you.
2Tim. 2:24-26 - It’s possible to oppose one’s self. -If you do not know the truth you are in the snare of the devil.
2Tim 3: 1-7 - Having a form but denying the power.
2Tim 3:10 - My Doctrine- Whose Doctrine?

– Paul’s Doctine.
*James 1:21-23 - Must be a doer of the word.
*Matt. 7:13-24 - Beware of false prophets
*Matt. 16: 18-19 - Build your church upon the rock.-What ever Peter binds on earth is bound in heaven.
1Peter 1:22-25 - Purified souls in obeying the truth.
1Peter 2:6-8 - The Gospel is our foundation that we should build upon.
Ephesians 2:18-22 - The foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. Why them? Because they the ones who preached the word. 
We must obey what they preached in order to build on Jesus.
*John 17:17-18 - Jesus prayed for them that would believe on Him according to the apostles words.
*Gal. 1:6-12 - Must obey what the apostles preached or we are accursed.
*1Peter 4:17-18 - If the righteous are scarcely saved, then where are the sinners going to appear?
- Notice how he mentions not obeying the gospel and being a sinner together.
2Thes. 1:7-10 - This is the answer to 1Peter 4:17.
2John 9-11 - Must abide in the doctrine of Christ in order to have God. 1John 4:6 - The Apostles are of God, he that is of God heareth them.
This is how one knows truth from error.
- 2 Peter 3:2 Proves the words we and us refers to the Apostles, when they are writing.
Jude3 - Common Salvation – all had the same message. - Once delivered –What the apostles preached.
Matt. 23:15 - Proselyte—When a person who has been converted to false doctrine, but will not open up to truth.
Rom. 1:16 - Gospel- Power of God unto salvation to those who believe it.
Rom. 1:20 - Godhead is without excuse.
Rom. 6:17-18 - These were sinners—saved and set free from sin when they obeyed the gospel.
Rom. 16:17-18 - Paul said, “Stablish ( establish) you according to my gospel.”
*Cor. 4:1-5 - If the gospel Paul preached is hid from you you are lost.
*Cor. 11:10-15 - False Prophets have become ministers of light.
Ephe.4: 14-15 - Don’t be carried away by every

wind of doctrine.
Col. 1:22-23 - Continue in the faith and gospel of which Paul ministered.
Col. 2:8-9 - Beware of philosophy and traditions of men ( example- It does not matter what you believe
- just as long as you are sincere). If there is no scripture to back it up, don’t follow it.. *2Thes.2:9-15 - Must have a love for the truth, or God will send a delusion and you will believe a lie
and be damned. He does this only after a person has seen and understands the truth , but refuses

to obey it. Some go as far as to twist the scripture

to fit their life style, this a quick way to fall

into deception.



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