Words of Encouragement

Nekoosa Kids

All four youths from this area have had more to deal with than most people could ever imagine.

My heart goes out to Stacy and the others.

I would like to wish each of them the continued good health they have now in remission.

Each day, week and month that they stay in remission hopefully brings them closer to a cure.

My prayers are also with the parents who have to witness their children in pain and can't take part of that pain on themselves.

Hang in there, Each of us has a GUARDIAN ANGEL!!!

Words from Nekoosa

It seems Cancer has been a common thread in our small community for far too long.

It would take me at least all of my fingers and toes to count how many members of our town and surrounding that I know that have been diagnosed with some kind of Cancer.

Maybe with this page, we can help to find out why.

Someone out there may have an answer...and by making this page, just maybe we can find that person.

For Casey, for Stacy, for Erin, and for Brandon, our hearts go out to you and your great strength.

By DeAnna Czappa

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