Doctor Who: Timeless Tales

The Thargon Gambit

Timeless Tales
The First Doctor
The Second Doctor
The Third Doctor
The Fourth Doctor
The Fifth Doctor
The Sixth Doctor
The Seventh Doctor
The Eighth Doctor
The Ninth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor

set between 'Timelash' and 'Revelation of the Daleks'...

The Hawk was not a typical Thargon ship. Much of it's interior was given over to medical and weapons research. It was rare when the two sides crossed over on their research, however today the Transformer Gun project was finally completed. All they needed to do now was test the device.



"I thought I told you not to press that button," the Doctor snapped at his young American companion, Peri. "I expressly told you not to press it, did I not?" He put his hands in his pockets and lent forward, bringing his eyes level with hers.

"I'm sorry. I was just curious," Peri whimpered. "I won't do it again."

"We'll say no more about it then." The Doctor dismissed the whole incident from his mind. "I wonder where we are?" With a flick of his wrist the Doctor activated the view screen. "It looks like we're inside a spaceship. I wonder..."

"Wonder what?" Peri asked as she tried to see past the Doctor's ample shoulders.

"Who constructed this ship? It seems oddly familiar, I just can't place the design." The Doctor closed the shutters on the screen. "We'll learn nothing in here. Come along, we'll have a look around."

"I can hardly wait. Another spaceship," Peri complained as she pulled up the zipper on her red velvet coat. "I just hope this one doesn't have Cybermen inside it."

"Unlikely," the Doctor commented as they stepped outside.



The Project Director, Rixx Fane, watched as the menials went about the final preparations to the device. "Soon now, soon," he said to himself.



"This way I think." The Doctor stalked down a corridor at random.

"What's down there?" Peri asked.

"I don't know, exciting isn't it?" the Doctor replied, smiling.

"Gee, I can hardly wait. I bet it's full of wonderful surprises," Peri commented acidly.

"You can always go back to the TARDIS," the Doctor snapped. "I wish for just once you'd show the slightest hint of co-operation, Peri."

"It's hard to show any interest in the corridors of spaceships Doctor," Peri snapped back, giving as good as she got.

"Then fake it for my benefit please." The Doctor continued his diatribe before resuming his wandering of the ship.

"Hey, wait for me," Peri called as she ran after him. "Don't leave me alone in here."



"Subject matter is prepared for the test Director," a Thargon menial reported. "We're ready for your command."

"Begin final sequence," the Director ordered.



"I wonder what's in here?" the Doctor commented out loud. "The door's locked, so it must be interesting."

"Let me see." Peri tried to see through the small window of glass. When she couldn't see for the Doctor's ample girth she nudged him aside with her hips. "Move it porky!" she insulted him, more cruelly than intended. Then the door opened and she fell inside. She turned as the door closed behind her, the Doctor trapped on the other side. She waved at him before exploring.



"Guards, we have an intruder!" the Director exclaimed. "Get her out of there at once!"



Peri looked around at the strange laboratory. "Wow, this is neat," she exclaimed when suddenly a hot white beam of energy struck her body. Her shin started to tingle when just as suddenly the beam stopped and she felt cold.

"Peri!" the Doctor exclaimed as he forced the door open and Peri collapsed. He caught her head just in time and he hefted her slight weight up onto his shoulder and ran back to the TARDIS with her.



"Am I surrounded by idiots?" the Director shouted. "Get after them, I want that woman alive; we must study her body to see how the beam has affected her."

"She's just a human sir," a guard spoke up. "We should shoot her."

"You incompetent fool. If this weapon was working properly she will be a Thargon female by now."



The Doctor ran down corridor after corridor concentrating only on reaching the TARDIS. He ignored the bolts of burning plasma, which flew past him, left and right, some closer than others. By the time he reached the safety of the TARDIS his beloved jacket had more than one burn mark on it. He closed the doors then placed Peri's unconscious figure on the nearby chaise longue. "Hold on Peri," he whispered as he quickly punched the necessary travel information into the TARDIS systems. "I'm sure the Brigadier's the only one who can help, I seem to remember leaving a lot of equipment in their care. For the life of me I can't think why, they're not ready for most of it."



"John, I am registering a familiar signal."

"What is it TIM?" John asked.

"It is the TARDIS. The Doctor is landing on Earth and it is serious. From what she tells me one of the Doctor's friends, a young woman called Peri, has been injured."

"What caused it TIM?"

"The TARDIS does not know; she has never encountered it before."

"Well then it's doubtful anyone on Earth can help her. Can you bring the TARDIS here?"

"I am sending the co-ordinates now, John."

"Thank you TIM," John said before sending a telepathic message to the other Tomorrow People.



The TARDIS materialised inside a corner of the Lab and the door opened. The Tomorrow People were surprised to see that the Doctor had regenerated again since they had last met.

"What am I doing here?" the Doctor demanded. "Peri's life could be in danger."

"Welcome back Doctor," TIM greeted the Time Lord.

"Is this your doing?" the Doctor snapped.

"I communicated with your TARDIS and she informed me of your situation. Earth's technology is not as advanced as that of the Galactic Federation."

"What TIM means is that UNIT doesn't have as much gear as we do," Mike Holloway remarked.

"Well then don't just stand there, give me a hand to get Peri. I'm sure she's put on weight lately."

"She wouldn't be the only one," John communicated to Elisabeth telepathically.



They managed to place Peri under the biological scanner, removing her jacket so that the metal zipper did not interfere with the scanning beam. The Doctor noted the red colouration of Peri's skin and shuddered.

The sensor moved and whirred up and down the length of Peri's body twice before it fell silent and unmoving.

There was a brief pause as the data was collated.

"I have some disturbing information Doctor. I have checked the last scan of Miss Brown from the TARDIS' databank and I have determined that she is no longer a member of the species Homo sapien."

"She's broken out into a Tomorrow Person?" John asked curiously. "I don't sense any telepathic activity from her."

"No John, she is not Homo superior either. She is Thargonus vulgaris. She is 100% Thargon in her genetic make up. There in no trace of human DNA anywhere in her body!"

The Doctor reeled with shock. "They've turned her into a completely different species? That's against all the laws of nature and morality." He paced around the room, anger dancing across his face.

"Can we cure her TIM?" Elisabeth asked.

"Cure her from what? She is a perfectly healthy Thargon woman," TIM replied. "Apart from her change of species she has no physical ailments, she is just tired from the strain on her system."

"We should let her recover first," John decided. "Once she's recovered we can plan what to do, until then we should make sure there are no unpleasant side effects."

"We must do something," the Doctor stated.

"I agree," Hsui Tai stated. "But we must know what to do first. Perhaps we need not do anything at all if she accepts this change?"

"I doubt that very much," the Doctor responded. "However you are right, the wrong action can be worse than no action at all. I'll be in the TARDIS if anyone wants me." The Doctor turned and walked into his time machine.



Elisabeth took her turn to watch their new guest. She sent young Andrew off to bed for some much needed sleep before asking TIM to make her a cup of coffee. She looked up at the black and white screen for a second but Peri was not in her room. She turned around to go and check on her when she saw Peri standing behind her, a blanket draped around her shoulders.

"How did I get here?" Peri asked. "The last thing I remember was a bright light and my skin tingling." Peri recounted her last memories to the dark skinned woman.

"Please sit down," Elisabeth said. "I'm afraid that this light you mentioned may have been responsible for something bad that has happened to you."

"What's wrong?" Peri asked. "I don't have cancer do I?"

"No, no. Nothing like that. It seems that the beam was some sort of transforming machine, it's changed you into a Thargon."

Peri checked her arms for feathers. Finding none she felt relieved. "I thought for a minute Sil was up to his old tricks." She told Elisabeth about her predicament on Varos.

"I see, perhaps your DNA was more sensitive to transmutation. What do you think TIM?"

"Peri's DNA did not reveal any unusual anomalies when I checked the TARDIS databank."

"A talking computer, neat." Peri smiled. "In my time they couldn't even add up my checking account properly. I'm sure the future's full of great things. 1984 was about as advanced as stone circles compared to this place."

"1984?" Elisabeth exclaimed. "But this is 1978, oh of course you have a time machine."

"Then how come you have such advanced technology?" Peri asked curiously.

"The Galactic Federation has granted the Tomorrow People certain technological advances to help us stay ahead of the saps."

"I don't understand," Peri said, embarrassed. "What's a Tomorrow Person?"

"I am, so are John, Mike, Andrew and Hsui Tai. We're the next stage of human evolution, Homo superior, except we think that's too grandiose so we call ourselves the Tomorrow People. It's more descriptive and not as insulting to the saps. The saps are ordinary Homo sapiens. We have to hide ourselves from them or they could use us as weapons of war or even try and kill us if they found out about us."

"I wouldn't hurt you," Peri said. "I hate violence, unless the Doctor beats me into the restroom of course."

Elisabeth giggled. "Individuals are not a problem, it's the group mind. People are smart and intelligent while groups are usually stupid and irrational and anyway you're not a sap anymore."

"Yeah." Peri frowned. "I'm inhuman."

"Don't say that," Elisabeth said. "We'll sort this out, TIM's very clever."



Peri went for a walk around the compact Lab. She ended up in the quarters they assigned to her and she lay on the small bed and stared up at the ceiling. She looked through the surface and into space. She saw a red world slowly spinning on its axis with three silver moons going around it. One word formed in her mind - home. She had to go home, she felt drawn to it, to be with her own people. She was a Thargon after all wasn't she? She had a duty to her people.



It was early in the morning and Mike yawned. He always got this shift, as it was the best time to compose a few songs for his band. They had a gig next month and the Fresh Hearts would be hoping a record executive or two would be there.

Peri sneaked past the young musician and waited behind the comfortable sofa. She knew they were coming to rescue her, to take her home. She watched with satisfaction as a section of the roof began to glow red and a hole formed, leading to the surface. She also shouted out with joy when a steel and rope ladder dropped down the hole and a fellow Thargon climbed down shortly afterwards and fired a bolt of energy at the dark haired youth, sending him crashing to the ground.

"Hurry up," The Thargon soldier called over to Peri and he helped her to climb up the ladder to safety.

Peri found a small shuttlecraft ready for her and she quickly boarded it and strapped herself in before take off. It didn't cross her mind to wonder how she knew this, only that she knew what to do.



The Doctor emerged from the TARDIS and found Mike sprawled on the floor. "Energy burn, probably caused by a stun bolt."

"That is correct Doctor," TIM replied to the Doctor's assessment. "There was a Thargon in here a few moments ago, he left with Peri. I believe he is taking her back to her people."

"Peri isn't one of them," the Doctor snapped at TIM.

"Genetically speaking she is and Thargons never leave their own kind behind."

"Then we must go and rescue her then," the Doctor stated.

"Out of the question, it is too dangerous." TIM replied. "The Thargons can detect when the Tomorrow People jaunt."

"We'll use my TARDIS then, they didn't sense its arrival last time. I've just had a thought. Why do the Thargons have a device that can change humans into Thargons? Not unless they plan to use it to turn the people of Earth into Thargons. We must act quickly to stop this travesty."

"That is agreeable, I will wake the other Tomorrow People," TIM replied earnestly.



"We have to get her back," John agreed with the Doctor. "Can you get us back on board safely Doctor?"

"Simplicity itself," the Doctor boasted. "All I have to do is reverse the co-ordinates and materialise exactly where we left."



"This is deep space," John commented when seeing the inky black darkness outside.

"They must have moved the ship," the Doctor said evasively. "I can try and locate the trail of their engines using the TARDIS scanners. It shouldn't take more than a few hours."

"Hours?" Mike gasped. "We get stuck inside this dingy crate for hours?"

"This is a type 40 TARDIS," the Doctor started to lecture the young man. "There is nothing dingy about it."

"Okay, I'm sorry," Mike lied to the badly dressed Time Lord.



Peri felt right at home in her new quarters. She shared it with another woman called Vey. Vey was great fun, she knew lots of great jokes and showed her around the ship. Peri even met the ship's Captain who swore her in as a junior officer. Peri and Vey were assigned to guard the conference room; it was all very exciting.



"How does she seem Captain?" Director Rixx asked the ship's commander and his superior officer.

"It's incredible. She knows of our culture and she actively wants to fit right in with shipboard life. If I didn't know better I would say that she was a naturally born Thargon. The transformation is so complete, she even speaks our own language."

"Yes, it is beyond all our wildest hopes. I recommend we proceed straight to phase two, the transformation of Earth into a fully integrated Thargon colony as soon as possible."

"Agreed Director, agreed. Lets see how the Sorsens react the next time they try to use Earth as a base, only to discover that they are now us. You have done well Director." Captain Payy raised his glass in a toast to the efficiency of the project.



"I've located the ship," The Doctor announced at last. "I'm taking us there now."

"I still say we should warn the Prime Minister," John said. It's only fair to warn the saps, I mean."

"They would only panic, John," the Doctor replied. "Far better to do this without alerting them to the danger I think."



"He's cute," Peri whispered to Vey as a young male officer walked past.

"Very," Vey agreed. "Do you want to mate with him?"

"I think so," Peri replied. "He's gorgeous."

"Our mating drive is very strong," Vey warned. "You haven't had much time for the rituals of self-discipline."

"I'm doing my best," Peri smiled. "But it's not easy." She winked at Vey after she finished staring at the officers buttocks.



The TARDIS materialised with its usual wheezy groan sounds. The Doctor and the Tomorrow People emerged slowly from the double doors. Each Tomorrow Person carried or held a stun gun while the Doctor preferred to remain unarmed.

"This way I think," the Doctor said; heading down the same corridor he had before with Peri. "I remember the way."

The science lab was deserted but in the middle was the same large piece of technology that had changed Peri's species so completely. The Doctor opened up an inspection hatch and began to poke around inside. "This is completely outrageous," he shouted. "It's monstrous, it should be destroyed."

"Quiet," Elisabeth hissed. "We're not destroying it until we turn your friend back to her normal self."

"Oh very well," the Doctor reluctantly agreed. "Just make sure none of you are in the way if I get the chance to use it."



"Would you come in here a minute both of you?" Director Rixx asked Peri and Vey. "The Captain wishes to ask the two of you a few questions."

"Are you happy Peri?" Payy asked.

"Oh yes sir. I feel as if I have woken up from a dream in which I wasn't a Thargon."

"Do you like being a Thargon?"

Peri thought for a few seconds. "I'm not sure what you mean sir, I am a Thargon and proud to serve my people as best I can."

"Of course you are my dear, of course you are."

"Now Vey, have you noticed anything out of the ordinary? Does Peri seem different to other Thargon females?"

"No sir, she thinks and acts just like my sister, myself and any other woman onboard," Vey replied to the Captain's question.

"You do know that they want to perform a vivisection on you Peri, to make sure that everything inside of you is all correct?"

"I was not aware of that sir, but if it is what you want of me then I am happy to serve," Peri answered, Thargon pride swelling up inside of her. "I believe that the Tomorrow People did scan me sir. Perhaps you can obtain their data afterwards to confirm your findings?"

"They dared to scan one of us?" Payy asked, curbing his sudden spurt of anger. "Well then we shall seize that information then there will be no need for a true daughter of Thargos to die in such an undignified manner. You are both dismissed, return to your quarters."



Peri and Vey walked towards their quarters when a badly dressed man jumped out in front of them. "Peri, it's me," the Doctor replied.

"Doctor, what are you doing here?" Peri snapped. "This is a Thargon ship, I'll have to report your presence."

"I've come to free you Peri," the Doctor replied.

"I'm not a prisoner Doctor," Peri replied, "I'm a Thargon officer."

"You're not a Thargon Peri. You were born on Earth."

"Now I'm a Thargon Doctor and I want to be with my people, can't you let me live my life the way I want to?"

Raising the transformer the Doctor activated it. "I'm sorry Peri but there's no other way."

Brilliant white light struck Peri and Vey and their skin tingled oddly. The Doctor saw that he had also struck the other Thargon and grimaced. This was going to cause a few ethical dilemmas.

"Mike and Elisabeth you carry Peri. John, Andrew and Hsui Tai get this young lady and take them back to the TARDIS." The Doctor lifted the bulky transformation weapon above his head and then brought it crashing down on the floor where it was reduced to its components in less than a split second.



"Where am I?" Peri groaned as she was laid down on something padded. "It looks like that TARDIS thing of the Doctors, take me back to my ship please."

"She's delirious." Hsui Tai observed. "Is there nothing that we can do for her?"

"Actually she's at her best right now," the Doctor remarked as he walked into the console room. "Let's get going, shall we? I sent a message to the Thargon high command telling them never to do this again or I would visit their home world."



Captain Payy watched as a Covix class battleship emerged from warp drive and headed straight in the direction of his ship. He requested their clearance once but when he got no reply he knew their intention. He ordered general quarters and stood to attention when the other ship opened fire. "For the glory of Thargos," he said as the bridge of his ship was consumed in flames.



The Doctor winced. He had not intended such a dire response. He looked at Peri and the Thargon girl who was looking more and more human every second. "I'll take us back to the Lab and let TIM have a look at those two." He waved in the direction of the two unconscious females.



"I'm human?" Vey gasped. "Why did you do this to me?"

"You got in the way," the Doctor replied. "I had just intended to return Peri to her natural state."

"What will become of me? My people will never accept me like this." Vey started to cry when suddenly a great pain flooded into her brain. She fell to the carpet-tiled floor, saliva dripping out of her spasming mouth.

"She's breaking out!" John exclaimed. "Quickly we must help her through it." The Tomorrow People liked their hands together over Vey's prone figure and concentrated.

"We welcome you new Tomorrow Person. We welcome your arrival, you are one of us," they sent telepathic greetings and reassurances. "You are one of us, welcome Vey."

"What's happening Doctor?" Peri asked. "I can feel them saying hi to Vey."

The Doctor looked at Peri for a short while. "Do you feel anything else? Nausea? Headaches?"

"No, it's fading now." Peri sighed. "For a second it was like a great feeling of connection."

"You almost broke out," the Doctor stated. "If you were younger you would have become one of them yourself, a telepath I mean."

"I think I've changed species enough times this year Doctor," Peri replied, smiling at the Doctor. "I'm ready to go now, I feel much better."

Vey and Peri said their goodbyes. Vey was still unsure of herself but she told Peri that the other Tomorrow People would help her adapt to her new life.

The Doctor turned and headed for the TARDIS. "Well then, there's this great place I know, it's perfect for relaxation and just what you need."

"Oh no, not The Eye of Orion again," Peri sighed.

"Certainly not!" the Doctor snapped. "I'll take you to Argolis."




The TARDIS materialised inside the large expanse of a spaceship cargo bay. The Doctor and Peri reluctantly agreed to explore when in one room Peri was suddenly exposed to a bright blue beam of energy.

"Oh no. Not again, I just can't take you anywhere, can I?" The Doctor complained as he looked across at Peri who now resembled a female Sorsen. "Here we go again..."


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original fan fiction by kg redhead