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SaturnRose's Angels of Peace

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Thank you so much for visiting my site......I hope you enjoy looking at it as much as I enjoyed making it.....I am a true believer in Angels and I have dedicated this page to all the Angels that are in my life and looking over me........Please sign my guest book so I can see what you think of this site.......ENJOY!!!



Welcome to my page of peaceful Angels.  I am a firm believer in Angels.

These beautiful spirits tend to put me at ease and peace by their

graceful forms and calming presence.

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Do you believe in these inspiring spirits?  If you have had an Angel

encounter or other story you would like to share, please email

me.   : o)

If there is any image or background here that is yours, PLEASE let me know. I lost all my URLs and credit Logos in a much needed format. I want to give credit where credit is due. I DO NOT take credit for anything on my pages except some of the banners and buttons. Please email me and include your logo and URL so I can add you on here. Thank You SaturnRose

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About Me

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My Dedication Page

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Angelic Poems From the Heart

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Our Family

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My Awards


Apply for My Web Site Award

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My Links Page

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My Favorite Sites

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Angel Gallery

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Midi Page

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Wav Page

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"Hi! I was adopted and named MaryBeth. Come by and adopt one of my bothers or sisters at the link below!


I am a Proud Member of the Cyber Crew!

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Please be kind and sign my guestbook. I would love to hear from you.

                                    View My Guestbook            Sign My Guestbook             

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