"I'm in love with somebody else..." |
Even if they are so much in love, CC and Sophia have had others love affairs. Some of them were insignifiant, others have had a special meaning for both of them. But nobody succeeded in this hard task : to separate Miss Sophia Wayne Armonti Capwell from Mister Channing Creighton Capwell.
Sophia and Lionel Lockridge.
Lionel Lockridge has been first Sophia's lover. He felt a deep love for Sophia but couldn't choose between her and his wife Augusta. In 1969, Sophia met Lionel on his boat to have a talk about their relationship. She wants him to make a decision: it's her or Augusta. They have a fight and Sophia threw overboard. Everybody thought Sophia was dead by drawing herself. Lionel felt guilty about Sophia's death and couldn't stop thinking of her. In 1979, Sophia came back in Santa Barbara to take revenge on Lionel. She is waiting for him in the Capwell's study carrying a gun that she thought weren't ready to fire. But unfortunatly, the note she sent to Lionel arrived by mistake in Channing's hands...his beloved son. She shot him when he entered the study. Marcello took care of Sophia during 5 years after this terrible day.
In 1984, Sophia came back in Santa Barbara again, convinced that Lionel killed her son. Again, she tries to take revenge. She is disguised as Dominic, a mysterious man , wearing a beard. Lionel is happy to discover that she is alive. He still have some feelings for her. When Sophia is finally identified as Channing's murderer, he is there to comfort her and a new relationship begin between the two of them. They become friends.
From that day, Sophia and Lionel take care of each other. When Sophia have had her breast cancer, Lionel was there.When Sophia was trapped in the fired forest, Lionel was there. When Sophia was alone after CC's leaving her because of Santana, Lionel was there. Their friendship never ended.
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Sophia and TJ Daniels
After Pamela came back to Santa Barbara, Sophia becomes more and more forsaked by CC . She tries to take Pamela out of Santa Barbara. She asks a man, Thomson, to do his best to force Pamela leaving town. Thomson knows that Pamela owns a oil rig and takes the decision alone to explode it. Sophia is very upset about that decision telling that it was not what she wanted to do. Thomson starts to blackmail her saying that if she doesn't give him some money, he will go directly to CC to tell him the truth. Sophia is scared that CC knows the truth. She doesn't know what to do.
So, TJ Daniels, a young atletic man, owner of a place called "The Lair", hears a conversation between Thomson and Sophia. He understands what's happening and proposes Sophia his help. Sophia is so helpless that she trusts him and starts to fall in love with him. They spend their first night together and Sophia has the feeling that she is becoming new. But TJ is not really honest. Sophia learns that he took money out of the company. She breaks with him and turns back to CC who forgives her for what she has done with the oil rig.
Sophia and Arthur Donelly
Sophia met Arthur Donelly for the first time during the charity bazaar. They met each other for the second time at the "Orient Express" where Sophia, two minutes before, saw CC having dinner with Lydia Saunders. To make CC jealous, she accepts to have dinner with Arthur. They start to see each other very often while CC become close to Lydia. But Sophia is still in love with CC and Arthur becomes insignifiant for her. She breaks with him and comes back to CC...her endless lover.
Sophia and Ken Mathis
Abandonned by CC who chose to stay with Santana who is expecting his baby, Sophia take a lot of time at the "Gym". There, she meet Ken Mathis, a young atletic man( still!!). He starts to seduce her and finally becomes her lover. At the same time, Santana leaves CC and town. CC is alone and wants Sophia back. But she is not determinated to go back to him. He left her for Santana and she can not forgive him. Moreover, she is really in love with Ken. CC tries without any success to seduce her. Finally, he proposes Ken some money to leave Sophia. Sophia learnt that and is very upset. Ken asks Sophia to marry him and she accepts to take revenge on CC. They finally got married during a private ceremonie. Ken seems to be very in love with Sophia but all his feelings are lies.At the same time, he is involved with Andy, his mistress. He starts to poison Sophia with medicines to get the control of the Armonti Industries. Sophia is more and more weak. During Ted and Lilly's wedding, her condition is getting worse and she is finally taken to the hospital. Kelly , thanks to Connor McCabe, learnt that the two previous wives of Ken were dead because of a heart attack. She understands that Sophia follows the same way. She asks the doctor to make analysis to know if Sophia has some strychnine in her blood. The test is positif. Ken is arrested by the police for attempting murder. When Sophia wakes up from the coma, she doesn't understand why Ken is not on her side. Kelly tells her that Ken tried to kill her but Sophia doens't believe that. She is sure that Ken loves her and she will do everything to help him to prove his innocence. Later, Ken will be found dead in his cell. He has been killed by Andy. Sophia is broken down. Fortunatly, CC is there to comfort her.
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CC's part coming soon!!!