File Editing, PDA Developers Magazine Issue 4.1 - Jan/Feb 1996

10 REM Music Information
15 REM Open or create the file
20 OPEN MusicDb, "MusicFile", Title
30 IF FSTAT <> 0 THEN CREATE MusicDb, "MusicFile", Title
100 REM Main Menu
110 PRINT "Music Database"
130 PRINT "1) Add Title"
140 PRINT "2) Search Title"
150 PRINT "3) List All Titles"
170 PRINT "Select 1-3, Q to Quit:"
180 INPUT selection$
190 IF selection$ = "Q" THEN END
200 ON STRINGTONUMBER(selection$) GOSUB 2500,5000,7500
210 GOTO 110
1000 REM Display/Edit a frame in the variable editRecord
1010 PRINT "Music Record"
1020 PRINT
1030 PRINT "1) Title: "; editRecord.Title & ""
1040 PRINT "2) Group: "; editRecord.Group & ""
1050 PRINT "3) Running Time:"; editRecord.RunningTime & ""
1060 PRINT
1070 PRINT "Select 1-3 to edit, D when Done:"
1080 INPUT selection$
1090 IF selection$ = "D" THEN RETURN
1100 ON STRINGTONUMBER(selection$) GOSUB 1200,1400,1600
1110 GOTO 1000
1200 REM edit the title
1210 PRINT "Enter Title [" & editRecord.Title & "]"
1220 INPUT title$
1230 editRecord.Title := title$
1400 REM edit the Group
1410 PRINT "Enter Group [" & editRecord.Group & "]"
1420 INPUT group$
1430 editRecord.Group := group$
1600 REM edit the running time
1610 PRINT "Enter RunningTime [" & editRecord.RunningTime & "]"
1620 INPUT runningTime
1630 editRecord.RunningTime := runningTime
2500 REM Add A New Record
2510 editRecord := {Title:nil, Group:nil, RunningTime:nil}
2520 GOSUB 1000
2530 GET MusicDb, checkRec, editRecord.Title
2540 IF FSTAT <> 0 THEN GOTO 2570
2550 PRINT "New record would overwrite existing record!"
2560 GOTO 5320
2570 PUT MusicDb, editRecord
5000 REM search for a record key, edit the matching record
5010 PRINT "Enter a Title, or press return for Main Menu"
5020 INPUT searchTitle$
5030 IF searchTitle$ = "" THEN RETURN
5040 GET MusicDb, foundRec, searchTitle$
5050 IF FSTAT <> 1 THEN GOTO 5060
5053 PRINT "Not found."
5056 GOTO 5000
5060 IF FSTAT = 2 THEN PRINT "Next Closest Record:" ELSE PRINT "Matching Record:"
5070 PRINT "Title: "; foundRec.Title; " Group: "; foundRec.Group 
5080 PRINT "1) Edit Title"
5090 PRINT "2) Delete Title"
5100 PRINT
5110 PRINT "Select 1, 2, or R to Return to Search:"
5120 INPUT selection$
5130 IF selection$ = "R" THEN GOTO 5000
5140 ON STRINGTONUMBER(selection$) GOSUB 5300,5500
5150 GOTO 5000
5300 REM edit record in foundRec
5310 editRecord = foundRec
5320 GOSUB 1000
5330 IF editRecord.Title = foundRec.Title THEN GOTO 5390
5340 GET MusicDb, checkRec, editRecord.Title
5350 IF FSTAT <> 0 THEN GOTO 5380
5360 PRINT "Edited record would overwrite existing record!"
5370 GOTO 5320
5380 DEL MusicDb, foundRec
5390 PUT MusicDb, editRecord
5500 REM delete record in foundRec
5510 DEL MusicDb, foundRec
7500 REM dump all records block
7510 GET MusicDb, foundRec, ""
7520 IF FSTAT = 1 THEN GOTO 7560
7530 PRINT "Title: "; foundRec.Title; " Group: "; foundRec.Group; " Time: "; foundRec.RunningTime
7540 GET MusicDb, foundRec
7550 GOTO 7520

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