My Scrapbooking Jobs!
I work Wednesdays and
Thursdays at a charming stamp/sticker/scrapbook store See Spot Run ProvoCraft Dream Team Member I'm a member of the ProvoCraft Dream Team, a creative design team made up of a group of 30 scrapbookers from arond the country. We use ProvoCraft products to create layouts which are used in magazines, advertisements and idea books. Provo Craft's official website ( features one of the 30 team members each week. Beginning in the year 2000, they will feature a "Page a Day"! Pixie Press Creative Design Team Member I am also a member of Pixie
Press' Creative Design Team. ProvoCraft Dream Team Web Site I created and maintain this web site as a way of letting our DreamTeam Members get to know each other. We've become great friends! Creating Keepsakes I'm a freelance contributor
to Creating Keepsakes Magazine September/October 1999 **** I also have layouts in the following CK publications: Marvelous Makeovers
Other Publications Ivy Cottage Collections ~
October/November 1999
Core Composition
I created and maintain the
website for this great scrapbook store |