JUNE 20-30

[Prizes] [The program of the competition] [Competition's address]

Scriabin's portrait   6 Prizes:
First prize – $10,000
Second prize – $5,000
Third prize – $3,000
3 prizes each $500
(semi finalists get also prizes)
Under the chairmanship of the President of Scriabin International Society, Professor of Moscow Conservatory Mikhail S. Voskressensky the Jury will consist of world’s leading musicians of different countries. The Jury members may not have their pupils as participants.

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The program of the competition:

Round 1 (not more than 30 minutes) – June 21-23 Small Hall of Moscow Conservatory (SHC)
a. 2 virtuoso studies – one by Chopin, one by Scriabin.
b. One from the early sonatas by Scriabin (1–4) or Fantasy Op.28.
c. 2 mazurkas or one nocturne by Chopin.
Round 2 (not more than 45 minutes) – June 24,25 (SHC)
a. One from the late sonatas by Scriabin (6–10).
b. One or several compositions of one Opus by Scriabin (but not sonata).
c. One or several compositions by Lyadov, Taneev, Medtner, Glazunov or Stanchinsky (not more than 15 minutes).
d. One ballad or fantasy or barcarole by Chopin or Mephisto–valse or second ballad or two sonnet’s de Petrarka by Liszt or Liebestod of Isolde by Wagner–Liszt.
Round 3 – six candidates (not more than 50 minutes) – June 27 (SHC)
a. Sonata by Scriabin No5 Op.53.
b. Any Scriabin’s compositions which were not performed in previous rounds.
c. The romantic work of world classical repertoire not more than 30 minutes (not by Russian composer).
Final – three participants June 29 (rehearsals 28) The Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory
a. Concerto for piano and orchestra by Scriabin Op.20.
The age of participants – not older than 32 to the beginning of competition.
The preliminary election by audio tapes(15 minutes from the program).
The deadline for the application form, fee (US$–100) and tapes is May 1, 2000.
The application fee must be sent to the company «P.I.Tchaikovsky Conservatory AG» bank – CREDIT SUISSE ZURICH, SWITZERLAND, – Paradeplatz 8, 8070 Zurich, Switzerland S.W.I.F.T. IRVTUS, Account No US dollars: 0835–98737–82, Corespondent bank: BANK of NEW YORK–NEW YORK.

The participants will be accommodated at the Moscow Conservatory’s dormitory. The trip to Moscow and return will be paid by the participants. The Moscow Conservatory will offer practicing facilities free of charge.

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Competition’s address:

International Scriabin Society
Organizing Committee of the Second Scriabin International Competition
Bolshaya Nikitskaya Ul. 14/2
Moscow, 103009, Russia
Telephone and fax 7(095)201-6739
E–mail is voskre–ms@mtu–

[Prizes] [The program of the competition] [Competition's address]