Blade II

Level select:
At the main menu, hold L and press Down, Up, Left, Left, B, Right, Down, X.
Infinite rage:
Pause the game, hold L and press Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Up.
Infinite ammunition:
Pause the game, hold L and press Left, B, Right, X, Up, Y, Down, A.
Escorted NPCS are invincible:
Pause the game, hold L and press X, B, Y, A, X, B, Y, A
Infinite health:
Pause the game, hold L and press Y, X, Y, X, Y, B, Y, B.
All Weapons:
At the main menu, hold L and press X, B, Down, Left, B, B, Y.
Daywalker difficulty setting:
At the main menu, hold L and press Left, B, Up, Down, X, B, A.



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