Fatal Frame


Unlock Fatal Mode:

To unlock the Xbox exclusive Fatal Mode, complete the game numerous times(Beating Normal and Nightmare difficulty in the process)and get a high ranking.


Ending bonuses:

Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting to unlock the "Battle Mode", "Nightmare Difficulty", "Ghost List", "Sound Test", and "Special Function" options; the "Special 1" and "Special 2" alternate costumes; and the "Zoom" special function for the camera.

Successfully complete the game under the nightmare difficulty setting to unlock the "Fatal Difficulty option; and the "Special 3" and "Special 4" alternate costumes.

Successfully complete the game under fatal difficulty setting to unlock the "Chapter Selection" option; the "Special 5" alternate costume, and the "None" special function for the camera.


Alternate ending:

Successfully complete the game under the nightmare difficulty setting. Note: You must play from beginning to end.


Nightmare mode:

Successfully complete the game in battle mode


Sense special function:

Successfully complete battle mode with any rank to unlock the "Sense" special function for the camera.


Zero special function:

Complete the ghost list and finish the game to unlock the "Zero" special function for the camera.


Screen saver:

Allow the game to be paused for a few minutes. The "ghosts" will begin to put their bloody hands on the screen.



© Copyright STLewCo, Game Corner 2003 ©