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The Camarilla

The Camarilla is the largest organization of Vampires in the world. Dedicated to hiding the existance of vampires from Humanity, the Camarilla is made up of the Six Clans. Unlike mortals, they do not create exhaustive bodies of laws and regulations to follow. Rather, the Camarilla has established the Six Traditions, six ancient laws handed down from the Eldest of Vampires, supposedly since the First Vampire Himself.

Each city of the Camarilla is run by a Prince, but never ruled alone. Ofttimes, there exists a Council of Elders, called a Primogen, who assist in the day to day ruling of the city. Sometimes they are the true power behind the throne. Sometimes, they exist at the sufferance of the Prince. But the Prince and Primogen are not the only vampires of importance in the city. Many cities have a Sheriff, who acts to enforce the Six Traditions; a Keeper of Elysium, who oversees the Elysium, neutral grounds of the Camarilla; a Scourge, who patrols the outer limits of the city, keeping an eye out for unfamiliar vampires.

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The Laws

The Rabble The Lunatics The Sewer Rats
The Degenerates The Warlocks The Blue Bloods


The Loners

Once, there were Seven Clans in the Camarilla. Recently, however, one of them, the Gangrel, withdrew from the convoluted politics and doublecrossing. While they are no longer part of the Camarilla, many of the Gangrel may still be found in Camarilla cities.

The Outlanders


The Anarchs

Within the hidebound and stagnant society of the Damned, there is little room for advancement. The old lord it over the young, who in turn lord it over those younger than they. Short of violence, vampires do not die; thus, the only way for a young vampire to truly be in charge of his own destiny is to "fight the system". This is the premise that the Anarchs are founded upon. In some cities, the Anarchs are non-existant, or so weak as to be a joke. But in others, they are a deadly threat, violating the Six Traditions and flaunting their freedom in the faces of their elders. Members of all of the above may be found as part of Anarch gangs. In addition, there are those vampires who belong to no clan. Whether it is because their blood is too weak, or because they never knew their Sires, these Clanless, called the Caitiff, are often hunted by the Scourge.


The Sabbat

If the Anarchs are the rebellious but dangerous gangs of the Damned, then the Sabbat is the cult of wild-eyed fanatics. They believe that the End Times, the vampiric Gehenna is near, when the most ancient of vampires, the Antediluvians, will rise up and consume all vampires. Evil to a one, they are known to ravenously consume other vampires, sweeping through cities like a plague of locusts, leaving death and destruction in their wake.