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"Architecture is the wise, correct and magnificent play of volumes gathered under light; our eyes are made to perceive shapes under light"

 Le Corbusier



"...organizing space is not just building structures, but also covering them, making them come alive, and, above all, letting them to lose their materiality, by giving them a sense of spirit through light"

Antonio Gaudí



"More and more, it´s my sensation that it is light that gives a building its greatness"

Frank Lloyd Wright



"Because light is really source of every being"

Louis Kahn



Very few elements can affect the perception and use of the architectural space and the objects like light.

Light means life, movement, perception and appreciation of space and objects.

The proper or improper use of light can alter our mood: it can make us feel full or empty, cheerful or sad, lively or depressed.

The good use of light can enhance a building or object, emphasizing it's most high design values: improper use of light can destroy them.

Lighting design should be considered at the very first stage of a project and not toward the end and as a small detail without importance.

A good lighting design by a consultant means saving money for the client and a better use of the energy resources of our planet, which are scarce and not renewable.

The consultant considers the space as the main matter of study, the orientation of the proposed building, the incidence of day light, the colors and materials of floors, ceilings and walls, the furniture layout, the position of observers in space and it's relationship to the objects, etc.

" Layers of light " provide environmental illumination, dramatic accent illumination and task lighting for comfortable conditions in the working environment.

The lighting consultant not only designs the lighting, he evaluates and elaborates investment plans and system maintenance schemes, designs fixtures and/or lighting systems, creates the lighting controls layouts and supervises the fixture installation.

The lighting consultant doesn't compete with the design team: his mission is to collaborate with the client, the architect, the interior designer, the landscape architect and the electrical contractor and perform as a team member, for the achievement of the proposed objective: the best possible result.


©2005 Salvador Sevita.  All rights reserved

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