Shambhala Cresteds

                                                              Facts On FAQ( By Brigitte Reid)

  Over the years, I've been asked all kinds of questions from dog and Crested fanciers. The following are some of those questions,.......

Q: Why do Chinese Crested Hairless have bad teeth?
A:  They don't have bad teeth. They have missing teeth! The Hairless variety always has missing premolars which is the tooth behind the canine tooth. They have the front teeth, the corner tooth, called canine and the big molars in the back which they are able to chew just perfectly. A breeding of two Hairless can give the puppies weaker teeth, which means some of the teeth can fall out after a couple of years.
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Q:   Do I need to clean my puppy's milk teeth?
A:   No, milk teeth fall out by 6 to 7 months and will be replaced by the adult teeth. But train your puppy as early as 3 months by opening his mouth and make him hold-still. Massage his gums and clean the teeth so you can get your puppy used to the future brushings which are needed by the age of one.
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Q:  Do I need to brush or clean my adult dog's teeth?
A:  Yes! It is highly recommended to brush and clean your dog's teeth. If you do this twice a week you will never have to go and pay for tartar removal. There are doggy toothbrushes, finger brushes, flavored chicken toothpaste & additives that you can add to drinking water that are readily available in the pet stores to make it easier on the dog. Good dental hygiene is very important on dogs to keep them healthy. By neglecting the teeth badly, bacteria will form, tartar will build up, and if not cleaned for years, gums get inflamed which leads to puss, tooth loss and very bad breath. The bad bacteria can also affect the heart and the kidneys, so please, DON'T neglect your dog's teeth!!
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Q:  We all know too much chocolate is poison for dogs, but why and how much is too    much?
A:  Chocolate contains a substance known as theobromine which is toxic to dogs. The toxic dose is generally 100 to 150 milligrams per kilo. So a 10 pound dog can eat five ounces of chocolate before it becomes toxic. Another fact to consider is the kind of chocolate. Dark or Baker's chocolate contains eight (8) times more theobromine than milk chocolate. As a rule of thumb, keep ALL chocolate away from your dog(s)!!
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Q:  How many  times a day do I feed my Chinese Crested?
A:  Two times a day is perfect for adults. Three to four times is recommended for young puppies age two to seven (2 to 7) months. Do not give just one meal a day because your puppy/dog will eat too fast.
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Q:  How often do I bathe my Hairless Chinese Crested?
A:   If needed, two to four (2 to 4) times a week is okay. Use doggy shampoo on the hair but on the skin use a moisturizing liquid, like SoftSoap. Towel dry. Always creme your puppy/dog after bathing.
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Q:   What lotion do I use?
A:    Jergens, Curel, St. Ives, to name a few, or what you use for yourself will do just fine. Just make sure it does NOT contain Lanolin!! Many are allergic!!
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"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."
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