Relationships between Science and Technology

 Educational Outcomes  Teaching Strategies  Assessment Strategies

 Understanding Subject Matter

(for example, interactions of enregy and matter, biological evolution, geochemical cycles)

 Students engage in guided or structured lab activities that emphasize conceptual development of science concepts. The lab should utilize the use of technology and problem solving associated with lab techniques, equipment, methodologies.  Students are given measures that assess their understanding of subject matter. In some cases, the assessments may include use of technology and solving problems of scientific investigation.

 Developing abilities necessary for technological design

(for example, students propose designs and choose between alternative solutions. The approach gives students opportunities to develop all the fundamental abilities of the standard)

 Students engage in open lab activites that emphasize the design of methods and use of equipment to complete a scientific investigation. They present and defend their design. This approach empasizes the design standards but includes subject matter.  Students complete a design problem without direction or coaching. The assessment rubric includes the complete list of fundamental abilities from the standard on "sciecnce and technology."

 Developing understandings about technological design

(for example, science often advances with the introduction of new technologies)

 Students could reflect on the role and purpose of technology in past labs and what problems the technology solved and how it improved the investigation. Students could also read historical case studies of science and identify the role of technology in the discovery.  Students are given a brief account of a scientific discovery and asked to describe the place of technology in the discovery.