The following Science Learner Outcomes have taken into consideration all of the present research in systemic change and reform. A number of organizations have come together with the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences to develop national standards using a critique and consensus process for what students at different grades should know and be able to do in science. Other sources of research used to develop my outcomes are the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Project 2061), National Center for Improving Science Education, National Science Teachers Association, National Science Foundation, and the Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education.


1. The student shall collect pertinent data from nature.
a. measuring and quantifying
b. identifying significance
c. selecting variables
d. estimating

2. The student shall analyze data.
a. graphing
b. tabulating
c. using numbers
d. correlating
e. classifying
f. proper units of measurement
g. scientific notation

3. The student shall use the results of analysis to explain natural phenomena.
a. interpreting
b. developing mental models
c. developing physical models
d. communicating results

4. The student shall ask answerable questions about nature.
a. formulating questions
b. generating hypothesis

5. The student shall understand that natural phenomena display a wide variety
of similarities and differences.
a. diversity
b. kinetic and potential energy
c. physical properties of matter from forces to energy
d. periodicity and elemental composition
e. demonstration of electrical properties / electric potential
f. wavelength and density characteristics
g. chemical changes and energy changes

6. The student shall understand that there is a constancy in cause and effect relationships which makes change explainable.
a. conservation of matter and energy
b. momentum and interaction by collision
c. molecular, atomic and nuclear levels

7. The student shall understand that interactions of matter and energy determine the nature of the environment.
a. forces
b. electric charges and electromagnetic behavior
c. fields / force, electric and magnetic

8. The student shall understand that related systems within systems comprise the universe.
a. distribution of forces and electric charges
b. nature of matter
c. existence of matter
d. organization of matter

9. The student shall understand that natural phenomena is limited by the fundamental nature of matter and energy.
a. dissipation of energy leading to entropy
b. laws of nature and unyielding conditions
c. energy levels and orbitals

10. The student shall understand that knowledge and processes of science evolved over a long period of time.
a. dependence on empirical observation
b. process of induction
c. evolved from inquisitive nature of mind
d. new scientific / technological knowledge leads to new discoveries
e. science and technology are controlling influences

11. The student shall understand that science is based on assumptions of nature.
a. truths of science are assumed
b. universe is real and exists outside of mind
c. consistency in nature
d. scientific investigations are repeatable
e. there is always some degree of error
f. validity of data

12. The student shall understand that scientists operate within a generally accepted set of rules.
a. theories of science
b. investigations without personal bias
c. obligation to seek simplest solutions
d. working to produce knowledge

13. The student shall understand science and technology as independent activities.
a. careers are common characteristics
b. they provide mutual support
c. science seeks knowledge
d. technology applies knowledge
e. variety of motives exist

14. The student shall understand that science is a creative enterprise.
a. a part of human culture / practical value
b. explanation brings aesthetic value to the nonscientist

Science Skills: Process and Content

Each learner will have the opportunity for process-based, hands-on, acquisition of scientific knowledge

Each learner will be given the opportunity to acquire, develop and use higher-order thinking skills

Each learner will be exposed to an environment that promotes curiosity and an appreciation for science

Each learner will be instructed in the use of scientific tools

Each learner will have access to current scientific books, periodicals and audio-visual materials

Each learner will have the opportunity to acquire basic scientific skills and knowledge