Here's some quotes from Elvis + some things said about him.

"Well-eh-I'd have to say - my greatest fear - it wouldn't be to lose everythin' I have because I could begin again - might take me awhile, but I could get it back. My greatest fear - would have to be to somehow lose the affection, the love of the fans. To somehow fall out of favor with them, be alienated from them. I'd have to say that would be my greatest fear - one I don't know if I could handle."

Dying - I think I'm going to enjoy the feeling of death. I want to be awake, to feel every sensation. I used to think I'd be better to be asleep, but now I don't - I want to be alive, every second feeling it...I think death will be a beautiful thing. I look forward to it. I guess I'm very vain - I don't want to look bad, to lose my voice, and that would be a worse fate. You know, to drag it out, decaying slowly and having to face it every day. I don't want that. I want it quick, easy...God isn't going to be that mean to me - He's going to make it quick, and I'm going to enjoy it. The sensation of my soul leaving this body - pulling away and leaving it all behind, traveling down that white path of light into the love of the Father's brilliance. Man, it gives me chills just thinkin' of it. God's gonna take me quick, you will see - and pleasant - I'll be at home...with my friends, and whatever happens, it'll be taken care of - I know it."

"It's pure freedom, like being a kid again. Elvis' drummer in the 1970's Ronnie Tutt: "....he loved to laugh as much as he loved life. He had a great sense of humor - you could see his eyes sparkle when something funny was going on, which however, was most of the time, if he had anything to do with it, and he usually did! It was great to play music together, but it was also great to laugh together."

Excerpted from a 1979 press article by Bill Farmer: "Oversights so overwhelmingly obvious sometimes embarrass us....brace yourself. We've forgotten to name the moon. I don't know how we could have overlooked it. We've named everything else in the universe from Kahoutek's comet to Hot Springs, Arkansas (neither of which we've ever seen!) But not the moon....the difficulty in anointing something as impressive as the moon with a name is finding one that measures up to the occasion. Most all of the mythological gods and heroes have been used up in naming everything else in the universe. Names of individuals on Earth who might be candidates for this highest of honors are politically difficult, what with our own planet so checkered with nationalism. No, the moon must be titled after a personage or phenomenon of eternal appeal and recognizeability - a name that will shine down upon all peoples forever, a name that transcends all boundaries of human experience. I like 'Elvis' myself."

Here's a poem, written by Lisa Hunt, a friend of mine from Salt Lake City, Utah. She wrote this after returning home from "Tribute Week" one year.

The sultry air of a deep Tennessee night,
Afloat on the Mighty Mississippi near midnight,
Music played, fans mingled and laughed with delight,
Memphis misses Elvis tonight

The skyscrapers of the city twinkled with their light,
The Pyramid on the shore, oh what a sight!
An emptiness weighed heavy in my heart as I peered into the night,
Memphis misses Elvis tonight

The Memphian no longer plays 'Patton' until dawn,
The pink cadillac no longer flies down Union Street playing his song,
From the fairgrounds no longer come shrieks of delight,
As Elvis once had played in the dark of the night.

The candles of thousands burned so bright,
The silent walk to the Mansion stately in its might,
The moonlight illuminated the procession that night,
As the world came to pay homage to a Star that once had shown so bright!

The strings of my heart tightened as tears blurred my sight,
The family that filled Graceland with love was there in spirit that night,
Yes, Memphis misses Elvis tonight,
But, it is I who cry as I cling to the memories and to my candle so tight.