Posted on Sept. 17 1998 [9:53 PM EST]:
Sorry folks, I really don't have time to keep this club up as much as I would like. I am still taking requests, but you may not get a response from me. I have a lot of school work (BSEE) and plus I play bass guitar in a worship band, which means I have time to do this maybe once or twice a month for a couple of hours. I will try to make any effort to respond to email, once every two weeks.
Send it to Troy Bowman.
Only serious inquiries, please. Oh..and no I do not know Joey's email address. As far as I know from what she has told me, she does not use the internet very often. So there you have it. Those that want to get in touch need to find out her fan mail address by writing Miramax or other studio where she has worked.
Also, if you've been here a while, you may notice some new "ads"
I really hated to do that, but it's about the only way that I can advertise this site. So, I apologize if it bothers you.
Posted on Sept. 20 1998 [8:39 AM EST]
I just ran across an awesome program called File Mag-net.
All you have to do is type in an address and it searches the site
and grabs all the files that you want. So if you want all the pictures just set it up and it will get all of the pictures on a
site. Plus you can enter more than one site. Pick it up now.
Posted on October 9, 1998 [9:19 PM EST]
Then guess what? I ran across another program. This one is called
Webcelerator. It's a free web accelerator. Who could have guessed? Anyhow, all it does to pay for itself is open a sponsers page when you connect to the internet. It's pretty handy. If you want to download a special "Joey Adams Fan Page" edition of it, click on the graphic below.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Posted on July 30, 1999 [7:19 PM EST]
I haven't updated this page in a while. I had trouble with my new Yahoo! ID. This whole change has left me a little mad. I'm thinking of moving some of the page to Tripod which has offered me a free premium membership. Too good to pass up I think. I saw Big Daddy a while ago. It's pretty good; you should check it out. I'll add more later.
Posted on August 04, 1999 [10:10 PM EST]
You are now viewing this page at the new location at
why did I move the page? Mainly because Geocities is too slow, and plus, I got a free premium membership at Tripod. Nice.
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