A Glossary of peculiar Japanese words
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"Ateji" ("intentionally different rendering of chinese character")




"-kei" ("... family" "... movement")


"Pakuri" ("(shameless) borrowing")

Abstract noun of action "borrowing something from other person's work and pretending it is original", that is, light plagiarism. Verbal form is "Pakuru".

As far as I know, originally "Pakuru" was a cant among police persons and gangsters for "to arrest suddenly and secretly". Example: "Bosu ga pakurareta" ("Boss has been arrested suddenly"). I don't know when exactly but sometime the word transformed it's meaning into "to take something secretly".

As the history of early Japanese pop music especially so called "Enka" music tells, Japanese pop music owes too much on "Pakuri" from western music. That is to say, so many Japanese composers of pop songs have borrowed arrangements, small phrases and sometimes even melodies from western music. Briefly, they have committed to light kind of plagiarism.

In modern pop field, some artists and producers do "Pakuri" intentionally as a mean to make their work more impressive.

On the other hand, however, always there is a rumor that some composers and producers cannot help commit "Pakuri" because of their lack of talent or for their convenience.


"Bijuaru (Visual) kei" ("artists of visual rock movement")

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