Name: Themis Eurynome
Birth Date: March 28
Sign: Aries
Birthstone: Aquamarine
Age: 17
Likes: Arguing, Thunderstorms
Dislikes: Echion as Leader
Hobbies: Boxing
Favorite Food: Sushi
Least Favorite Food: Watercress
Favorite Subject: Phys. Ed.
Least Favorite Subject: Nutrition
Fuku Colors: Forest Green & Pale Yellow

"Descendant of the mighty Jupiter, I will call upon a storm to vanquish your evil. Want to Argue with me? You'll be here all day. Sailor Charites!"


Charites Thunderbolt Power, Make Up! - Themis' henshin phrase. Once she yells this, her visor and com-link form. She closes her eyes as jolts of lightning shoot up from the ground forming a jagged cage. She curls in slightly, and the lightning roates around her in pale green circles (like Jupiter's henshin). She points forward with both arms, and the lightning melds to her body, forming her fuku, boots and gloves. A bolt of lightning crashes onto Charites' forehead, exploding into her tiara star and spreading across her forhead to form her tiara.

Charites Thunderstreak Slammer! - Charites crosses her arms in front of her face and closes her eyes. Bolts of lightning shoot out from her fingertips and she brings her arms in front of her body. She swings her arms backwards as if she's holding a baseball bat, and the lightning jumps around her hands to form an electric hammer. She lifts the hammer over her head, then smashes it down. The hammer breaks apart into several lightning streaks and surges towards her opponent.

Razor Laurel Leaves! - Leaves fall from the sky, circling around Charites. She touches her tiara star with one index finger, and several leaves jump up to form a laurel wreath (think Roman) around her head. The rest swirl in large circles around her body, glinting sharply. She hugs herself, twirling twice. Then, she points forward. The leaves connect together into a long chain and lash forward like a whip.


Themis is very argumentative and quarellsome. She often bickers with her fellow senshi, but remains friends with them. She and Echion have a Mars-Moon relationship, only a bit more violent. Themis constantly questions why Thriae is the leader, and has gotten into fist fights with the other girl a few times. Themis races for fun at the abandoned and nearly detroyed Juuban racetrack. She's a rough tomboy, the descendant of Jupiter, and proud of it. She has no real home, although she has two loving parents. She left them several years ago and now fends for herself.


Themis is from the fourtieth century (after the fall of Crystal Tokyo). She was a normal teenager, but fully aware of her senshi heritage. However, she had no senshi powers and severely hated that fact. The four senshi in existance then were charged with the task of preventing the destruction of Crystal Tokyo by the Apocalypse Master. Unfortunately, the senshi failed. They were unable to contend with the burden of their failure, so they gave up all hope and swore to never use their powers again. The call came for new senshi to fight against the Horsemen of Apocalypse, so four were awakened.

Themis and Sailor Charites have different entrances. Themis first appears in Warrior of Apocalypse. She was at the Juuban racetrack, running as usual. Suddenly, a tall elf-like girl with large gargoyle wings stepped onto the track. She saw Themis at the other end of the track, and prepared to attack. Themis stopped before the other girl, and the two exchanged a few words. Both were surprised to have company in that area of Tokyo. Themis suggested they race, and the other girl agreed. So, they became partially friendly and raced around the track.

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