Name: Rhea Obsidian
Birth Date: January 20
Sign: Aquarius
Birthstone: Garnet
Age: 16
Likes: Silence, Honesty
Dislikes: Greed, Unwanted Memories
Hobbies: Stargazing
Favorite Food: Pasta
Least Favorite Food: Green Tea
Favorite Subject: Astronomy
Least Favorite Subject: Home Ec.
Fuku Colors: Violet & Aqua Green


Sabazius Silencer Power, Make up! - Rhea's henshin phrase. She taps the communicator bracelet on her wrist and her mini-silence glaive (she refers to it as the silencer) appears at her side. She grasps the hilt and black ribbons shoot out from the silencer to wrap around her body. She closes her eyes and the ribbons attach to her body, forming her fuku. They wrap around her arms and legs several times, forming her gloves and boots. Her tiara star shines on the blade of her glaive, vanishes, then appears on her forehead. Her tiara materializes, and she brings the glaive to her side.

Silencer Smoke Ribbons Slice! - Sabazius lifts her glaive to the sky, her tiara star shimmers and she closes her eyes. Black ribbons of smoke swirl around her glaive in circles, solidifying as they touch the razor-sharp edge. She opens her eyes and brings the glaive closer to her body. She twirls once, then slashes forward in one quick movement. The smoke ribbons leap forward, slicing through anything in their path.

Eternal Silence Kiss - Sabazius brings her hand to her mouth, kisses the palm, then reaches outwards. Her glaive appears in her hand, glowing with a strange and eerie light. She gently blows on the glaive, and her whole body shimmers gray. She twirls the glaive before her slowly, as if in a dream, and her lips take on a faint black hue. Her glaive stops in midair, and she releases it. She bends over to kiss it once more, leaving a light black lip-outline on the shining blade. The glaive aims itself towards her opponent, then launches itself straight for his/her heart.


Rhea is a silent and quiet girl, much like her great-grandmother Hotaru. She is friendly towards others, but has suffered through so much pain that she is often seen alone contemplating life. She is the strongest of the CyberNet senshi, and fears the power she can wield. Rhea became best friends with Thriae (Sailor Echion) almost immediately after saving the senshi from several Corrupted Ones and awakening the warrior within. Rhea deaply misses her family, who were all killed when her house collapsed. Because of that, she now has a robotic arm. She tends to act much older than she looks, and is the most mature of the new senshi.


Rhea is from the fourtieth century (after the fall of Crystal Tokyo). She was a normal teenager, but fully aware of her senshi heritage. However, she had no senshi powers and severely hated that fact. The four senshi in existance then were charged with the task of preventing the destruction of Crystal Tokyo by the Apocalypse Master. Unfortunately, the senshi failed. They were unable to contend with the burden of their failure, so they gave up hope and swore never to use their powers again. So, the need for a new generation of senshi arose.

Rhea sat with her younger brother on an air couch in their living room. Both children were fighting over the remote for the holo-projector. The remote slipped out of Titan's hands and hit the third sibling in the room. Thule looked up from the computerized tutor program she was using just as the remote hit the back of her head. She picked it up from the floor and placed it on her monitor screen.
"Hey, sis, could you give the remote back?" Titan asked, "I want to watch the holo projector!" Thule shook her head, pointed to the earphones she was wearing, and turned back to her screen. Titan jumped off the air couch angrily and stomped out of the room in a huff. Rhea sighed, and leaned back slightly on the couch. For a while, the only sounds in the room were the clacking of computer keys as Thule worked on her asignment. Suddenly, some dust fell from the ceiling. Rhea looked up. The ceiling was starting to fall in. She quickly went to her sister and yanked off the earphones. Thule began to protest, but Rhea pointed to the growing gap in the ceiling.
"Ohmygod," Thule whispered, "Rhea, you stay here. I have to go warn mom, dad and the brat." Thule raced out of the room, leaving Rhea scared and a bit confused. The ceiling started to collapse faster than before, but Rhea remained in the living room for Thule to return. All of a sudden, the entired house fell inward. From the next room, Thule screamed. Rhea could hear her parents quietly praying several rooms away. A chunk of the ceiling fell onto her arm, and she cried out in pain. The sight of her crushed arm knocked the girl from consciousness.
Rhea opened her eyes slowly. Her house was only rubble around her. She frantically looked around for her family, especially Thule. The memory of her house's collapse flooded her mind, and she began to weep for everything she knew she must have lost. She heard a voice, but didn't have the strength to call for help. Strangely enough, the speaker seemed to be looking for her. Soon, a black haired girl about her own age came into view. The other girl carefully climbed over the rubble to reach Rhea.
"I'm Minthe," the girl said, "and I was sent here to awaken four senshi. You, Rhea Obsidian, are Sailor Sabazius, the senshi of silence. You are alive right now because of your heritage. The blood of saturn is stronger in you than in any other member of your family." Minthe reached into the pocket of her jacket and pulled out a star-shaped jewel. "This is your tiara star. Take it, and you will be able to transform." Before Rhea could ask a question, Minthe added, "It will heal your arm."
Rhea took the tiara star from Minthe's outstretched hand and transformed for the first time. When she looked down at her arm again, it was fully robotic. She gazed around at the rocks that had once been her home. With a tear in her eye, she turned her back on it all, and followed Minthe into her destiny.

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