A Note About This Site:

I created this site because there's not enough information about Nashe on the web. As it's made by an amateur, for amateurs, it doesn't meet the highest academic standards, though naturally I've tried to use reliable sources and be accurate transcribing the information.(See 'Bibliography' if you wish to know which sources.) N.B: In some places I've not stuck to original spelling and grammar, not because I dislike it but because this is a site for amateurs, and too much of the old "howe Muche is thatte Doggye inne ye wiƱdowe?" puts us off. I always state when I depart from original text.

It also doesn't meet the highest standards of website composition, but it's my first attempt. It will get better. Please e-mail me if you have problems with it and I'll try to improve.

Site maintained by R. Lamb:   Last updated 6 August 2000