The key to being a good villain is the laugh, IT IS ALL IN THE LAUGH I TELL YOU!
"The Laugh" may take several years to perfect, but once mastered it will strike fear in the hearts of your enemies.
Here are some examples to get you started:
laugh 1
laugh 2
laugh 3
laugh 4
laugh 5
laugh 6
laugh 7

10. Saddam Hussein

9. Dr. Evil

Mr. Evil
...and when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset...
...we hold the world ransom for...1 million dollars!
...a sophisticated heat beam which we called a 'laser'...

8. C. Montgomery Burns

Pish Posh
Get back to work!
Sixty Watts?
Mr. Burns on crime
The plague
Prince of Darkness
Army of the undead
Release the hounds

7. Sluggo

6. Bill Gates

5. Gargamel

4. Feathers Mcgraw

3. The Soup Nazi

No Soup for You!
You Think You Can Get Soup?
You Are Kissing in My Line?
You Are Pushing Your Luck!

2. Mr. Miller

1. Newman

I'm a Little Insulted!
The Mail Never Stops!
Newman's evil laugh

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