// dlg.txt begintalkscript; variables; begintalknode 1; state = -1; nextstate = 5; condition = 1; question = "special"; text1 = "The sign says:"; text2 = " Fort Kentia - West"; text3 = " South End - North"; text4 = " Greenwood Academy - South"; text5 = " Or you could try editing your character."; begintalknode 2; state = -1; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "special"; text1 = "The sign says:"; text2 = " Testing Grounds - North"; text3 = " South End - West"; text4 = " Greenwood Academy - South"; begintalknode 3; state = -1; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "special"; text1 = "The sign says:"; text2 = " SOUTH END"; begintalknode 4; state = -1; nextstate = -1; condition = get_sdf(2,2) == 0; question = "special"; text1 = "You enter the tiny town of South End. It mainly exists to service the school. Teachers come here for supplies. Students come here to unwind from the extremely exhausting Shaper training."; text2 = "It appears that the forces that attacked the school mostly bypassed South End. The buildings are still intact. However, the merchants and travelers that normally walk the paths are gone. They must have fled when the attack started."; text3 = "There are two merchants who live here. There's Hinman, who sells supplies, and Crider, who sells magical equipment. Hopefully they're still here."; action = SET_SDF 2 2 1; begintalknode 5; state = -1; nextstate = -1; condition = get_sdf(2,3) == 0; question = "special"; text1 = "South End has one small inn and tavern. It's been abandoned. You're very sad to see it in this state."; text2 = "Students are forbidden to come here, but the faculty of the school largely failed to enforce the rule. You and your fellow students spent many hours here, complaining and trying to relax."; text3 = "Though there are no people here, the inn isn't unoccupied. You hear gurgling and hissing coming from the northern rooms."; action = SET_SDF 2 3 1; begintalknode 6; state = -1; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "special"; text1 = "You open the tome. It is a Shaping guide, describing the sequence of tiny, complicated spells and steps you need to use to make a creation. Shapers don't make many of these. They are very nervous about outsiders finding their secrets."; text2 = "Using your mental training, you read the book very quickly, absorbing the instructions within. You are now able to make a thahd, a strong creation valuable in combat."; text4 = "You browse the book, but you don't learn anything new."; text5 = "You try to open this book but, when you touch it, it shocks you. You pull your hand away."; code = clear_strings(); if (get_flag(2,11) == 0) { add_string(5); } else if (get_flag(2,13) == 0) { add_string(1); add_string(2); set_flag(2,13,1); alter_stat(84,1); } else { add_string(1); add_string(3); } break; begintalknode 10; state = -1; nextstate = 10; condition = 1; question = "Name"; text1 = "You walk out of the school slowly, watching for any signs of the attackers. Not surprisingly, all of the guards and turrets at the entrance died or fled. It's eerily quiet."; text2 = "Then several figures step out of the woods to the north. You watch as they approach you. It looks like a Shaper, accompanied by a number of large creations. The Shaper waves for you to approach."; begintalknode 11; state = 10; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Run back into the school."; text1 = "You try to turn, face burning at your cowardice. But the Shaper raises a hand. You find yourself stuck, unable to flee. Then, slowly, painfully, your legs are forced to move, moving you slowly and awkwardly forward to meet the stranger."; text2 = "The creations surrounding him or her don't look like they're ready to attack, but they could probably rip you apart in a minute if they wanted to."; action = END_TALK; begintalknode 12; state = 10; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Approach and speak with the Shaper."; text1 = "The Shaper nods as you walk forward. The creations surrounding him or her don't look like they're ready to attack, but they could probably rip you apart in a minute if they wanted to."; action = END_TALK; begintalknode 15; state = -1; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = ""; text1 = "You get close enough to the strange Shaper to get a good look at her. You've never seen her before. And you're glad of it."; text2 = "She is human. That much is for sure. But she is ... different. Her skin glows slightly. Her face is completely blank, devoid of expression or emotion. And her eyes ..."; text3 = "Her eyes are cold. You feel that she does not see you as a living being. Just an object, meaningless, to be treated however she wants."; text4 = "She finally shows an emotion. Her lips twist into a cold smile, which doesn't reach anywhere else on her face. She says, _We need to talk, young Shaper. But first, let us make sure that you don't engage in any little distractions._"; text5 = "She raises her hand ..."; action = END_TALK; begintalknode 20; state = 20; nextstate = 21; condition = 1; question = ""; text1 = "You are bound. The hostile Shaper's magic holds you firmly in place. You are able to move your muscles enough to breathe, sort of, but nothing else. When she is satisfied that you are at her mercy, the Shaper speaks again."; text2 = "_I am Litalia, the new master of these islands. I am here to tell you two things. First, do not think the attack on your school was isolated. It is only the beginning. Everywhere, soon, fires will spread. Fires of justice, held off too long._"; text3 = "She stops speaking. After a moment, you realize that she is waiting to see if you have a response. A moment after that, she remembers that you are paralyzed."; text4 = "She mutters a few words and waves a hand. You can speak again."; action = SET_SDF 100 6 1; begintalknode 21; state = 21; nextstate = 22; condition = 1; question = "Let me go, monster! I'll kill you!"; text1 = "She actually lets out a little giggle at this, a rare show of emotion. She feels quite confident in her ability to blast you to bits."; text2 = "_The typical, ingrained arrogance of our kind. As if you can't ever be wrong, and I can't ever be right._"; text3 = "_Ah, well. That was the first thing I wanted to say. Here is the second._"; begintalknode 22; state = 21; nextstate = 22; condition = 1; question = "Why don't you release me. Perhaps we can talk about this in a civilized way?"; text1 = "_Perhaps we can. Perhaps we will. But not yet. I did not stop you to destroy you, but to introduce myself. But this is not yet the time for us to speak. First, you must wander and gain real wisdom._"; text2 = "_But that was only the first thing I wanted to say. Here is the second._"; begintalknode 23; state = 21; nextstate = 22; condition = 1; question = "Fires are spreading everywhere? What do you mean?"; text1 = "_You will learn soon enough. You will not have any choice but to learn. You will see what weakness lies behind the illusion of Shaper invulnerability._"; text2 = "_But that was only the first thing I wanted to say. Here is the second._"; begintalknode 24; state = 22; nextstate = 23; condition = 1; question = "What is the second thing?"; text1 = "_The time of the Shapers is passing. It is time for a new way. That new way is coming, in fire._"; text2 = "_My agents have told me of you. You are young, and you have promise. I suspect that you are going to roam these islands, and you are going to find the forces I have spread through them, forces that will deliver these islands to me._"; text3 = "_I can use your assistance. In return, should you come to my fortress, you will be rewarded. Rewarded with power and influence. And survival._"; text4 = "You can hear Alwan off to the side, struggling to break free. If he could talk, you can guess what he would have to say to this offer."; code = if (char_in_party(20) < 0) remove_string(4); break; begintalknode 25; state = 23; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Never! I will never betray the Shapers."; text1 = "_Ah, how touching. You remind me of me, before I opened my mind and saw the truth. It is not too late, though. My agents will be contacting you. You will be able to change your mind._"; text2 = "She gives you one last inspection with her cold eyes. _It would be a waste to kill you. Ah well. 'Til later._ Litalia and her creations turn and leave. A few minutes after they are gone, you are able to move again."; action = END_TALK; begintalknode 26; state = 23; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "I will think on what you have said, but I believe you are an enemy."; text1 = "_Oh, I am an enemy. An enemy of the old, dead, unjust ways. Ways that will be torn apart. Bear that in mind when my agents contact you. They will tell you what to do if you wish to join me. And survive._"; text2 = "She gives you one last inspection with her cold eyes. _Oh, and you can do what you want on this island. My mission here is done. 'Til later._ Litalia and her creations turn and leave. A few minutes after they are gone, you are able to move again."; action = END_TALK; begintalknode 27; state = 23; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "I would like to join you!"; text1 = "_Oh really? You would side with me already? Then you are foolish, I am afraid. You know nothing of me except that I have slaughtered those around you. But you are young. As you travel, you will learn of me and the real reasons to join me._"; text2 = "_When you reach the next island, my agents will contact you._"; text3 = "She gives you one last inspection with her cold eyes. _Oh, and you can do what you want on this island. My mission here is done. 'Til later._ Litalia and her creations turn and leave. A few minutes after they are gone, you are able to move again."; action = END_TALK; begintalknode 29; state = -1; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = ""; text1 = "You fall to the grass, exhausted and confused. It has all been too much for one day. Your home destroyed, your teachers dead, and an insanely powerful rogue Shaper telling you things you don't understand."; text2 = "And you can't stop thinking about what Litalia said about fires everywhere. _Fires of justice._ Either the world is under attack, or it might be soon. Either way, someone should be told."; text3 = "The nearest settlement is Fort Kentia, to the west. There, you can meet with Shaper officials and get a boat to the next island or the mainland. Perhaps that is where you should go."; text4 = "Alwan sits in the grass nearby, furious at Litalia and ashamed that he could not do more. He lightly fingers the hilt of his blade. He is clearly determined to do more if you meet Litalia again."; action = END_TALK; code = if (char_in_party(20) < 0) remove_string(4); break; begintalknode 30; state = -1; nextstate = 30; condition = 1; question = "Thahd"; text1 = "There is a Thahd standing on the road. Thahds are one of the most basic fighting creations, created in great numbers for use in battles, or in small numbers for use as bodyguards. They are smaller than battle alphas, loyal, and stupid."; text2 = "This one has been left alone by its maker for some time. This is very bad for thahds. Their small brains are very likely to go rogue without a calming Shaper influence."; text3 = "It stumbles towards you, highly agitated. _Shaper. I lost! I ... I ... Arrrrhrh!_ It bares its teeth at you. It has almost completely gone out of control."; begintalknode 31; state = 30; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "(Back away from it.)"; text1 = "When it sees that you are leaving it alone, it is terrified. _No! You go no! Need Shaper! I make you stay! Make you!_"; action = END_TALK; code = set_attitude(17,10); break; begintalknode 32; state = 30; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "You are a rogue. You must be destroyed."; text1 = "_No! Bad Shaper! I must stay! I must ... Rrrrrarrrrgh!_ It fails to submit to you quietly. It goes completely rogue."; action = END_TALK; code = set_attitude(17,10); break; begintalknode 33; state = 30; nextstate = 31; condition = 1; question = "Calm down. I will take you to safety."; text1 = "_No! My Shaper said I stay here. I no go! I ... you tell me ... you Shaper and say I go! I ... I ..._ It is getting very unstable."; begintalknode 34; state = 31; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Come with me. It's all right."; text1 = "You try to take control of it, but you just aren't authoritative enough. Creations often don't react well to gentleness. The thahd bares its teeth and rushes at you."; action = END_TALK; code = set_attitude(17,10); break; begintalknode 35; state = 31; nextstate = -1; condition = get_stat(20) <= 2; question = "Thahd! I command you! You will obey me now!"; text1 = "Your innate leadership skills are not sufficient to break through the creature's confusion. The thahd bares its teeth and rushes at you."; action = END_TALK; code = set_attitude(17,10); break; begintalknode 36; state = 31; nextstate = -1; condition = get_stat(20) > 2; question = "Thahd! I command you! You will obey me now!"; text1 = "Your innate leadership skills are sufficient to break through the creature's confusion. It bows its head, its old confusion forgotten. _Yes, Shaper? Where go?_"; text2 = "You tell it to go to the school. It trudges off. Mind Hrrol will take care of it. Or, if necessary, destroy it. You wonder who the thahd's controller was."; action = END_TALK; code = if (get_flag(2,4) == 0) award_party_xp(100,4); set_flag(2,4,1); break; // greta begintalknode 50; state = -1; nextstate = 50; condition = 1; question = "Greta"; text1 = "You are surprised to meet a woman who was, until recently, one of your fellow Novices in the school. Her name is Greta. You did not know her well, and, after she left, you had heard rumors that she was expelled."; text2 = "She was training to be an Agent, and her garb and gear both reflect that. However, her armor and boots are dirty. She was always messy when she was in the school, which is not allowed. Shapers always present a good image to outsiders."; text3 = "When Greta sees you, she looks very relieved. _Greetings! You survived the attack. I am very glad._"; text5 = "Greta continues to make small talk with you. After her weeks out here on her own, she is eager to speak with a familiar person."; action = INTRO; begintalknode 51; state = 50; nextstate = 51; condition = get_flag(101,12) == 0; question = "What are you doing here in South End?"; text1 = "_Well, as you may know, I was thrown out of the school a few weeks ago. I didn't want to go home yet, didn't want to face the pity and disappointment of my family. So I worked here for a while. And then the attack happened._"; text2 = "As she speaks, you notice that Alwan is shifting his weight from one foot to the other uncomfortably. You think you recall that Alwan did not care for Greta when she was in the school."; code = if (char_in_party(20) < 0) remove_string(2); break; begintalknode 52; state = 50; nextstate = 53; condition = get_flag(101,12) == 0; question = "What happened during the attack?"; text1 = "_The crowd of rogues passed the town almost entirely. A few small worms came here, but everything big went straight for the school. They clearly had a goal in mind._"; begintalknode 53; state = 50; nextstate = 54; condition = get_flag(101,14) == 0; question = "Where are you going now?"; text1 = "_I'm not sure. I was just going to go home, but then the attacks happened. My teachers were killed. I feel like I should be doing something._"; text3 = "_I thought I was going to try to find my way home, since traveling with you didn't work out. But I could also try joining you again._"; action = DEP_ON_SDF 101 12 0; begintalknode 54; state = 51; nextstate = 52; condition = 1; question = "Why were you thrown out of the school?"; text1 = "Alwan mutters under his breath, _Because she was a slob who doubted all our most important beliefs._ Greta pretends not to hear him."; text2 = "_I was thrown out because I asked too many questions. Our teachers did not like questions. It made them think I was not pure enough. I don't want to speak more of it._"; text3 = "_But Shaper, please let me ask you a question. During our lessons, we frequently had to make creations and, if they were faulty, destroy them. Was it right for us to destroy those creatures?_"; code = if (char_in_party(20) < 0) remove_string(1); if (get_flag(2,6) > 0) remove_string(3); break; begintalknode 55; state = 51; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "What work have you been doing here?"; text1 = "_Only things below us. Well, below you. Cleaning. Helping to run the shops. Trying to decide what to do with my life._"; text2 = "_I still have the powers I was given, but I am not allowed to use them. So now I have to find a new path._"; begintalknode 56; // pro shaper state = 52; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = get_flag(2,6) == 0; question = "Of course. Anything we create is ours, and our responsibility. That is our way."; text1 = "_I am glad for you. It must be nice to be so certain. Thank you._"; action = SET_SDF 2 6 1; code = inc_flag(100,0,3); break; begintalknode 57; // anti shaper state = 52; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = get_flag(2,6) == 0; question = "Though we've been taught that we have total control over our creations, I am not sure."; text1 = "_Then perhaps you have had some of the same doubts that I have. Thank you._"; action = SET_SDF 2 6 1; code = inc_flag(100,0,-3); break; begintalknode 58; state = 53; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Did you do anything to help the school?"; text1 = "_Of course not. We were busy fighting off the few creations that came here._"; text2 = "_And anyway, what could we have done? Everyone in town fighting together wouldn't be able to handle one glaahk or battle alpha. And the odds got even worse. Most people in town fled, heading for Fort Kentia._"; begintalknode 59; state = 53; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "What goal do you think they had?"; text1 = "_I can't be sure, exactly. But they definitely wanted to destroy the school, and as many people in it as they could._"; begintalknode 60; state = 54; nextstate = 50; condition = 1; question = "I hope that you figure something out."; text1 = "She looks slightly disappointed. _Thank you._"; begintalknode 61; state = 54; nextstate = 55; condition = 1; question = "Perhaps you could travel with me. I could use another blade."; text1 = "_I am not supposed to use the powers I learned in the school. That is what I was told. And yet, in this dire emergency, perhaps I would be forgiven. It seems to be a matter of survival._"; text2 = "Alwan pulls you aside, concerned. _Don't do this, Shaper. This is the time to find reliable allies, not those who were cast out by the Shapers._"; code = if (char_in_party(20) < 0) remove_string(2); break; begintalknode 62; state = 55; nextstate = 50; condition = 1; question = "Never mind. Perhaps you can join me later."; text1 = "She looks disappointed. _All right, Shaper._"; begintalknode 63; state = 55; nextstate = -1; condition = num_chars_in_group(0) >= 8; question = "Come and travel with me. (Have Greta join you.)"; text1 = "You don't have room for her in your group."; action = END_TALK; begintalknode 64; state = 55; nextstate = -1; condition = num_chars_in_group(0) < 8; question = "Come and travel with me. (Have Greta join you.)"; text1 = "_All right. I must be honest. I still resent the way the Shapers cast me out. But this is a time of crisis, and our teachers should be avenged. I will fight at your side, and hope that my use of my powers will be forgiven._"; text2 = "_I will rejoin you then. Hopefully we will have more success working together than we did last time._"; text3 = "(Greta has joined your group. She will now take a share of experience and gain levels like a creation. You can also increase her skills like a creation.)"; text4 = "(Greta starts with a basic melee attack and the ability to cast Firebolt. Later, if you talk to the right people, you will be able to upgrade her attacks.)"; text5 = "(Should Greta become too damaged or should you dismiss her, she will leave you and return here. You can come back here to pick her up. She will retain any experience or training she received.)"; action = END_TALK; code = if (get_flag(101,12) == 0) remove_string(2); else remove_string(1); set_char_unkillable(26,1); set_walk_speed(26,24); add_char_to_party(26); break; begintalknode 65; state = 50; nextstate = -1; condition = get_flag(101,14) > 0; question = "I need to talk to you about traveling together."; text1 = "_There is nothing to say, Shaper. I will not travel with you. I will find my own path, and wish you luck with yours._"; text2 = "Alwan mutters quietly, _Good riddance._"; action = END_TALK; code = if (char_in_party(20) < 0) remove_string(2); break; // hinman begintalknode 70; state = -1; nextstate = 70; condition = 1; question = "Hinman"; text1 = "You enter Hinman's shop. You've been in here many times in the past, buying school supplies and equipment. His little shop is cluttered with items, some useful, some junk. Despite the recent carnage, he is still open for business."; text2 = "He nods to you when you enter. _Welcome back. Glad to see you survived. My guess is you need something for a journey, yes?_"; text5 = "Hinman waits quietly, ready to pounce the moment you show interest in doing business."; action = INTRO; begintalknode 71; state = 70; nextstate = 71; condition = get_flag(100,5) == 0; question = "What can you tell me about the attack?"; text1 = "_Not very much. I heard it was coming. I locked the doors. I hoped nothing smashed them down. When I came out again, the town was mostly intact but most everyone around fled. And they haven't been back._"; text2 = ""; begintalknode 72; state = 70; nextstate = 72; condition = 1; question = "Do you know anything about conditions on the rest of the island?"; text1 = "_No. I haven't tried to travel much. What little moving around I did, I saw monsters roaming the roads. I'm waiting for Shapers to clear up the mess._"; text3 = "_I hear that things have been getting a little better, but there are still monsters on the roads. I'm not moving around much._"; action = DEP_ON_SDF 100 5 0; begintalknode 73; state = 70; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "I have some items I would like to sell."; text1 = "You conclude your business."; code = begin_sell_mode(); break; begintalknode 74; state = 70; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "I need to buy some gear."; text1 = "You conclude your business."; code = begin_shop_mode("Hinman's Gear", "Hinman has limitless junk for sale, but you concentrate on gear that might be useful on your journey.", 0,3,0); break; begintalknode 75; state = 71; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Have you ever heard of anyone named Litalia?"; text1 = "_No. Never heard the name._"; begintalknode 76; state = 71; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Are you going to be able to stay in business?"; text1 = "_I hope so. I have my shop. I have food. I'm not going anywhere. I figure the Shapers will do what they always do: slaughter everyone responsible for the attack and return everything to normal._"; begintalknode 77; state = 72; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Monsters? Do you mean rogue creations?"; text1 = "_Maybe. I don't know. That's Shaper talk. I don't know what you Shapers make or do. And I don't want to._"; begintalknode 78; state = 72; nextstate = 73; condition = get_flag(2,7) <= 1; question = "Where have you seen monsters?"; text1 = "_Well, I tried to get west to Fort Kentia. There's a bridge in the way, and there was some big monster guarding it._"; text2 = "He gets a sly look. _You know, if you were to use some of your mighty Shaper powers to clear the bridge between here and there, I could donate to you some of my goods._"; code = set_flag(2,7,1); toggle_quest(6,1); break; begintalknode 79; state = 73; nextstate = 70; condition = get_flag(2,8) == 0 && get_stat(20) >= 4; question = "You should donate something to me now. I am a Shaper, and I require your aid."; text1 = "Hinman frowns and looks down at the floor. He knows that outsiders must give aid to Shapers when requested. Then he fetches a pair of crystals and hands them to you."; text2 = "_Here, young Shaper. I hope these help._"; code = set_flag(2,8,1); reward_give(120); reward_give(121); break; begintalknode 80; state = 73; nextstate = 70; condition = 1; question = "All right. I will bear this in mind."; text1 = "_Thank you, Shaper._"; begintalknode 81; state = 70; nextstate = -1; condition = get_flag(2,7) == 1 && get_flag(3,1) > 0; question = "I have cleared the bridge to the west."; text1 = "_Thank you, Shaper. A clear route to Fort Kentia will be very useful in restoring this area._"; text2 = "He digs into his wares for a few minutes, and eventually resurfaces triumphantly holding a necklace. _This is special gear. An old artifact._ He hands it to you. _I hope you find this useful._"; code = set_flag(2,7,2); toggle_quest(6,0); award_party_xp(100,4); reward_give(367); break; // crider begintalknode 90; state = -1; nextstate = 90; condition = 1; question = "Crider"; text1 = "You meet Crider. He is an unusual man, a skilled mage who is not a member of the Shaper order. The Shapers don't allow many people outside of their control to use magic."; text2 = "Crider runs a small shop and provides supplies to the school. He even occasionally gives the students magic lessons. He recognizes you immediately when you enter. He looks genuinely glad that you are well."; text3 = "_Welcome, young Shaper,_ he says with a little bow. _Welcome back. I hope that I can help you in these dark, dark times._"; text5 = "Crider says, _Yes, Shaper? How else can I help you?_"; action = INTRO; begintalknode 91; state = 90; nextstate = 91; condition = 1; question = "How are you holding up here?"; text1 = "_All right. I am capable of defending myself, fortunately, though we are isolated now. There are clusters of rogues everywhere._"; text2 = "_Still, I trust in the wisdom of the Shapers. I am sure that they will watch out for us._"; begintalknode 92; state = 90; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "I need to buy some supplies."; text1 = "You conclude your business."; code = begin_shop_mode("Crider's Supplies", "Crider has a wide variety of herb, pods, spores, and other goods of great value to Shapers.", 1,4,0); break; begintalknode 93; state = 90; nextstate = 94; condition = 1; question = "Can I get some magical training?"; text1 = "_Well, normally, I can only train people when I get permission from the school faculty. But in this emergency, I think I can make an exception. I can teach you several different spells._"; begintalknode 94; state = 91; nextstate = -1; condition = get_flag(2,9) <= 1; question = "There are rogues around here?"; text1 = "_Yes. Just travel around and you will see. In fact, there is a little cluster of them in the woods behind my shop. They seem to be keeping to themselves, so I haven't taken the risk of clearing them out. But they concern me._"; text2 = "_I would pay a bounty to anyone who could clear them out._"; code = set_flag(2,9,1); toggle_quest(7,1); break; begintalknode 95; state = 90; nextstate = -1; condition = get_flag(2,9) == 1 && get_flag(2,12) > 0; question = "I killed those rogues behind your shop."; text1 = "He looks extremely relieved. _Thank you. Oh, thank you, young Shaper. I will sleep much better at night now._"; text2 = "He walks to the door to his bedroom and unlocks it. _In my dresser, you will find some useful equipment. Please help yourself._"; code = set_flag(2,9,2); set_flag(2,17,1); toggle_quest(7,0); award_party_xp(100,4); break; begintalknode 96; state = 91; nextstate = 92; condition = 1; question = "You trust the Shapers?"; text1 = "_Of course. Once, I even tried to become one. That is where I received my magical training. Though I did not become a Shaper, they allowed me to retain my powers and train others, under their supervision, of course._"; begintalknode 97; state = 92; nextstate = 93; condition = 1; question = "Why didn't you become a Shaper?"; text1 = "_Not for lack of talent, I assure you. I simply, as time passed, began to have doubts._"; text2 = "_I am not ashamed to admit it. I felt sorry for the serviles. I felt that we did not treat them well. They work for us their entire lives, without any choice, and without good food. I did not think that it was fair._"; text3 = "Greta nods silently."; text4 = "Alwan says, _We created them. They owe their lives to us. And we made them to be happy to work. Who are you to tell them they should not want to serve us?_"; code = if (char_in_party(20) < 0) remove_string(4); if (char_in_party(40) < 0) remove_string(3); break; begintalknode 98; // pro shaper state = 93; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = get_flag(2,10) == 0; question = "It was good that you left, then. It is very difficult to control our power even when you aren't plagued by doubts."; text1 = "_You are correct. The Shapers are wise, even if I am not intelligent enough to fully comprehend their wisdom._"; action = SET_SDF 2 10 1; code = inc_flag(100,0,3); break; begintalknode 99; // anti shaper state = 93; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = get_flag(2,10) == 0; question = "It is unfortunate that you left. The Shapers need more members with those views."; text1 = "_Perhaps. The Shapers are still good, I feel. Just not perfect._"; action = SET_SDF 2 10 1; code = inc_flag(100,0,-3); break; begintalknode 100; state = 94; nextstate = 90; condition = 1; question = "I don't need to learn anything."; text1 = "_All right. How else can I help you?_"; begintalknode 101; state = 94; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "I would like to learn spells."; text1 = "You conclude your training."; code = begin_shop_mode("Crider's Spells", "Crider has been given permission by the Shapers to teach magic. He knows a variety of less powerful spells.", 2,3,0); break; begintalknode 102; state = 94; nextstate = 95; condition = get_flag(2,11) == 0; question = "Can you teach me to make any new creations?"; text1 = "_Oh my, no. The Shapers would never let an outsider control knowledge like that, no matter what. That is the absolute rule._"; text2 = "He thinks. _But this is an emergency. You should know that one teacher left a book with me, so I could make the potions in it for him. The book does describe how to create a thahd._"; text3 = "_I could look the other way while you read the book. But I would need 200 coins, so I can keep my shop open for a while._"; text4 = "It is inappropriate for Crider to charge you money to access Shaper knowledge. But you aren't sure what you should do about it."; begintalknode 103; state = 95; nextstate = 90; condition = get_flag(2,11) == 0; question = "Never mind."; text1 = "_All right. How else can I help you?_"; begintalknode 104; state = 95; nextstate = -1; condition = get_flag(2,11) == 0 && coins_amount() >= 200; question = "All right. (Pay 200 coins.)"; text1 = "_Thank you, Shaper._ Crider mutters a brief spell. _You can read the book now._"; code = change_coins(-200); set_flag(2,11,1); break; begintalknode 105; state = 95; nextstate = -1; condition = get_flag(2,11) == 0 && get_stat(20) >= 5; question = "The book is of the Shapers. You have no right to keep it from me. Let me read it, or you will pay."; text1 = "Crider looks extremely angry. At first, you think that he might lash out at you. You are, after all, much younger than him. But then he forces himself to calm down. After all, you are still a Shaper, and he is merely an outsider."; text2 = "Crider mutters a brief spell. _You can read the book now._"; code = award_party_xp(50,5); set_flag(2,11,1); break; // Burk begintalknode 110; state = -1; nextstate = 110; condition = 1; question = "Burk"; text1 = "Despite the devastating attacks by the rogues roaming everywhere, a lone servile is still doggedly working on the small patches of crops outside the school."; text2 = "Serviles are Shaper creations, made to follow orders and be happy to do it. But this is excessive behavior even for them."; text3 = "When he sees you, he turns and bows. _Mighty Shaper. I am Burk. Orders for me?_"; text5 = "Burk bows again. _Yes, Shaper? What wanted of lowly Burk?_"; action = INTRO; begintalknode 111; state = 110; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "What are you doing out here?"; text1 = "_I told, work on crops. I come out. I work on crops. When it dark, I go sleep. It what I do. I am loyal servile._"; begintalknode 112; state = 110; nextstate = 111; condition = 1; question = "What did you do when the school was attacked?"; text1 = "_I work. I told to work. Many big things walk by. I hear big booms. But Shaper told me to work, and I work._"; begintalknode 113; state = 111; nextstate = 112; condition = 1; question = "The attackers didn't try to hurt you?"; text1 = "He looks confused. _Don't know. When noises happen, strange Shaper lady came over. She look at me funny. I ask her if she want anything. She walk away. I go back to work._"; begintalknode 114; state = 112; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Shaper lady? Did she say her name was Litalia?"; text1 = "_Did not ask. I am lowly servile. I work._ He pokes savagely at a cluster of weeds with his trowel."; begintalknode 115; state = 110; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "You should go into the school, where it is safe."; text1 = "He looks scared for a moment. _But .. but ... other Shaper say I work! Not know which Shaper to follow!_ The pitiful creature starts to tremble, terrified of displeasing a Shaper."; text2 = "You tell him to stay put. He happily returns to his gardening."; begintalknode 116; state = 110; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Carry on, then."; text1 = "_Yes, Shaper. I am eager to serve._ He happily returns to his work. The Shapers made serviles to be happy to work, and they did a thorough job of it."; action = END_TALK; begintalknode 7; state = 5; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Leave it."; text1 = "You regretfully walk away, knowing how much power it could give you."; action = END_TALK; begintalknode 8; state = 5; personality = 0; nextstate = 6; condition = 1; question = "Use the editor."; text1 = "A panel folds down on the obelisk and list of options glows behind it."; text2 = "Because Geneforge 2 only allows 199 talk nodes in each area, not all of the editor is here."; text3 = "You can change your skills, spells, creations known, and money here, and also add experience. For items, you'll have to wait until the other part of the editor is complete."; begintalknode 9; state = 6; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Recharge."; text1 = "Power flows out from the obelisk and energizes you."; code = heal_char(0,10000); restore_energy_char(0,10000); heal_char(1,10000); restore_energy_char(1,10000); heal_char(2,10000); restore_energy_char(2,10000); heal_char(3,10000); restore_energy_char(3,10000); heal_char(4,10000); restore_energy_char(4,10000); heal_char(5,10000); restore_energy_char(5,10000); heal_char(6,10000); restore_energy_char(6,10000); heal_char(7,10000); restore_energy_char(7,10000); break; begintalknode 13; state = 6; personality = 0; nextstate = 32; condition = 1; question = "Change skills."; text1 = "The glowing fades, and new words appear on the obelisk."; text2 = "_Which type of skill would you like to change?_"; begintalknode 14; state = 32; personality = 0; nextstate = 33; condition = 1; question = "Basic."; text1 = "_Which skill?_"; begintalknode 16; state = 33; personality = 0; nextstate = 34; condition = 1; question = "Strength."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,0); break; begintalknode 17; state = 34; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = get_stat(get_sdf(1,12)) > 2; question = "-2"; text1 = "It has been reduced by 2."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),-2); break; begintalknode 18; state = 34; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = get_stat(get_sdf(1,12)) > 1; question = "-1"; text1 = "It has been reduced by 1."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),-1); break; begintalknode 19; state = 34; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "No change."; text1 = "The writing fades."; begintalknode 28; state = 34; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "+1"; text1 = "It has been increased by 1."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),1); if (get_sdf(1,12) == 2) restore_energy_char(pc_num(),500); else if (get_sdf(1,12) == 3) heal_char(pc_num(),500); break; begintalknode 37; state = 34; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "+2"; text1 = "It has been increased by 2."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),2); if (get_sdf(1,12) == 2) restore_energy_char(pc_num(),500); else if (get_sdf(1,12) == 3) heal_char(pc_num(),500); break; begintalknode 38; state = 34; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "+3"; text1 = "It has been increased by 3."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),3); if (get_sdf(1,12) == 2) restore_energy_char(pc_num(),500); else if (get_sdf(1,12) == 3) heal_char(pc_num(),500); break; begintalknode 39; state = 34; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "+4"; text1 = "It has been increased by 4."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),4); if (get_sdf(1,12) == 2) restore_energy_char(pc_num(),500); else if (get_sdf(1,12) == 3) heal_char(pc_num(),500); break; begintalknode 40; state = 34; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "+30 (max it at 30)"; text1 = "It has been increased by 30."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); if (get_sdf(1,12) == 2) restore_energy_char(pc_num(),2000); else if (get_sdf(1,12) == 3) heal_char(pc_num(),2000); break; begintalknode 41; state = 33; personality = 0; nextstate = 34; condition = 1; question = "Dexterity."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,1); break; begintalknode 42; state = 33; personality = 0; nextstate = 34; condition = 1; question = "Intelligence."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,2); break; begintalknode 43; state = 33; personality = 0; nextstate = 34; condition = 1; question = "Endurance."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,3); break; begintalknode 44; state = 32; personality = 0; nextstate = 36; condition = 1; question = "Combat."; text1 = "_Which skill?_"; begintalknode 45; state = 36; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Melee weapons."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,4); break; begintalknode 46; state = 37; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = get_stat(get_sdf(1,12)) > 1; question = "-2"; text1 = "It has been reduced by 2."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),-2); break; begintalknode 47; state = 37; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = get_stat(get_sdf(1,12)) > 0; question = "-1"; text1 = "It has been reduced by 1."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),-1); break; begintalknode 48; state = 37; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "No change."; text1 = "The writing fades."; begintalknode 49; state = 37; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "+1"; text1 = "It has been increased by 1."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),1); break; begintalknode 66; state = 37; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "+2"; text1 = "It has been increased by 2."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),2); break; begintalknode 67; state = 37; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "+3"; text1 = "It has been increased by 3."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),3); break; begintalknode 68; state = 37; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "+4"; text1 = "It has been increased by 4."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),4); break; begintalknode 69; state = 37; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "+30 (max it at 30)"; text1 = "It has been increased by 30."; code = alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); break; begintalknode 82; state = 36; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Missile weapons."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,5); break; begintalknode 83; state = 36; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Quick action."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,6); break; begintalknode 84; state = 36; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Parry."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,7); break; begintalknode 85; state = 32; personality = 0; nextstate = 38; condition = 1; question = "Magic."; text1 = "_Which skill?_"; begintalknode 86; state = 38; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Battle magic."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,9); break; begintalknode 87; state = 38; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Mental magic."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,10); break; begintalknode 88; state = 38; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Blessing magic."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,11); break; begintalknode 89; state = 38; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Spellcraft."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,12); break; begintalknode 106; state = 32; personality = 0; nextstate = 39; condition = 1; question = "Shaping."; text1 = "_Which skill?_"; begintalknode 107; state = 39; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Fire Shaping."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,15); break; begintalknode 108; state = 39; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Battle Shaping."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,16); break; begintalknode 109; state = 39; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Magic Shaping."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,17); break; begintalknode 117; state = 39; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Healing Craft."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,18); break; begintalknode 118; state = 32; personality = 0; nextstate = 40; condition = 1; question = "General."; text1 = "_Which skill?_"; begintalknode 119; state = 40; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Leadership."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,20); break; begintalknode 120; state = 40; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Mechanics."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,21); break; begintalknode 121; state = 40; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Luck."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,22); break; begintalknode 122; state = 6; personality = 0; nextstate = 41; condition = 1; question = "Change spells. (includes healing)"; text1 = "The glowing fades, and new words appear on the obelisk."; text2 = "_Which type of spell would you like to change?_"; begintalknode 123; state = 41; personality = 0; nextstate = 42; condition = 1; question = "Battle."; text1 = "_Which spell?_"; begintalknode 124; state = 41; personality = 0; nextstate = 43; condition = 1; question = "Mental."; text1 = "_Which spell?_"; begintalknode 125; state = 41; personality = 0; nextstate = 44; condition = 1; question = "Blessing."; text1 = "_Which spell?_"; begintalknode 126; state = 41; personality = 0; nextstate = 45; condition = 1; question = "Healing."; text1 = "_Which spell?_"; begintalknode 127; state = 42; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Firebolt."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,40); break; begintalknode 128; state = 42; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Burning Spray."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,41); break; begintalknode 129; state = 42; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Searer."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,42); break; begintalknode 130; state = 42; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Ice Spray."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,43); break; begintalknode 131; state = 42; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Essence Orbs."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,44); break; begintalknode 132; state = 42; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Acid Shower."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,45); break; begintalknode 133; state = 42; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Kill."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,46); break; begintalknode 134; state = 42; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Aura of Flames."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,47); break; begintalknode 135; state = 43; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Daze."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,50); break; begintalknode 136; state = 43; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Mental Barrier."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,51); break; begintalknode 137; state = 43; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Unlock."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,52); break; begintalknode 138; state = 43; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Terror."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,53); break; begintalknode 139; state = 43; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Dominate."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,54); break; begintalknode 140; state = 43; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Strong Daze."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,55); break; begintalknode 141; state = 43; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Charisma."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,56); break; begintalknode 142; state = 43; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Mass Madness."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,57); break; begintalknode 143; state = 44; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "War Blessing."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,60); break; begintalknode 144; state = 44; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Protection."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,61); break; begintalknode 145; state = 44; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Essence Shield."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,62); break; begintalknode 146; state = 44; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Speed."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,63); break; begintalknode 147; state = 44; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Mass Energize."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,64); break; begintalknode 148; state = 44; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Steel Skin."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,65); break; begintalknode 149; state = 44; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Essence Armor."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,66); break; begintalknode 150; state = 44; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Battle Roar."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,67); break; begintalknode 151; state = 45; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Minor Heal."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,70); break; begintalknode 152; state = 45; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Cure Effects."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,71); break; begintalknode 153; state = 45; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Augmentation."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,72); break; begintalknode 154; state = 45; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Heal."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,73); break; begintalknode 155; state = 45; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Group Heal."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,74); break; begintalknode 156; state = 45; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Remove Effects."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,75); break; begintalknode 157; state = 45; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Major Heal."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,76); break; begintalknode 158; state = 45; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Mass Restore."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,77); break; begintalknode 159; state = 6; personality = 0; nextstate = 46; condition = 1; question = "Change creations."; text1 = "The glowing fades, and new words appear on the obelisk."; text2 = "_Which type of creation would you like to change?_"; begintalknode 160; state = 46; personality = 0; nextstate = 47; condition = 1; question = "Fire."; text1 = "_Which one?_"; begintalknode 161; state = 47; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Fyora."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,80); break; begintalknode 162; state = 47; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Roamer."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,81); break; begintalknode 163; state = 47; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Drayk."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,82); break; begintalknode 164; state = 47; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Drakon."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,83); break; begintalknode 165; state = 46; personality = 0; nextstate = 48; condition = 1; question = "Battle."; text1 = "_Which one?_"; begintalknode 166; state = 48; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Thahd."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,84); break; begintalknode 167; state = 48; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Clawbug."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,85); break; begintalknode 168; state = 48; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Battle Alpha."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,86); break; begintalknode 169; state = 48; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Rotghroth."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,87); break; begintalknode 170; state = 46; personality = 0; nextstate = 49; condition = 1; question = "Magic."; text1 = "_Which one?_"; begintalknode 171; state = 49; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Artila."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,88); break; begintalknode 172; state = 49; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Vlish."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,89); break; begintalknode 173; state = 49; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Glaahk."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,90); break; begintalknode 174; state = 49; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Gazer."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,91); break; begintalknode 175; state = 46; personality = 0; nextstate = 37; condition = 1; question = "Ornk."; text1 = "_How much adjustment?_"; code = set_flag(1,12,92); break; begintalknode 176; state = 6; personality = 0; nextstate = 4; condition = 1; question = "Would you like items or experience?"; text1 = "The glowing fades, and new words appear on the obelisk."; text2 = "_How much?_"; begintalknode 176; state = 6; personality = 0; nextstate = 4; condition = 1; question = "Add experience."; text1 = "The glowing fades, and new words appear on the obelisk."; text2 = "_How much?_"; begintalknode 177; state = 4; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "A little."; text1 = "You feel more experienced."; code = award_party_xp(20,get_level(pc_num())); break; begintalknode 178; state = 4; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "More."; text1 = "You feel more experienced."; code = award_party_xp(200,get_level(pc_num())); break; begintalknode 179; state = 4; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "A lot."; text1 = "You feel more experienced."; code = award_party_xp(1000,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(10,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(10,get_level(pc_num())); break; begintalknode 180; state = 4; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "A freakin' huge amount."; text1 = "You feel way more experienced."; code = award_party_xp(4000,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); break; begintalknode 181; state = 4; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "More experience than you can shake a Reaper Baton at."; text1 = "You feel more experienced than the entire Shaper Council."; code = award_party_xp(10000,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); award_party_xp(1,get_level(pc_num())); break; begintalknode 182; state = 6; personality = 0; nextstate = 3; condition = 1; question = "Change money."; text1 = "The glowing fades, and new words appear on the obelisk."; text2 = "_Change it by how much?_"; text4 = "The maximum is 30000. Once it gets there, you can't change it except by adding 5000, which sets it back to 0."; begintalknode 183; state = 3; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "Fill the bag!"; text1 = "You fall backwards with the extra weight."; code = change_coins(30000); break; begintalknode 184; state = 3; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "Add 100."; text1 = "Your purse feels heavier."; code = change_coins(100); break; begintalknode 185; state = 3; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "Add 500."; text1 = "Your purse feels heavier."; code = change_coins(500); break; begintalknode 186; state = 3; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "Add 1000."; text1 = "Your purse feels a lot heavier."; code = change_coins(1000); break; begintalknode 187; state = 3; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "Add 5000."; text1 = "Your purse feels way heavier. It's about time to trade it in for a sack."; code = change_coins(5000); break; begintalknode 188; state = 4; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "Don't add any."; text1 = "Nothing happens."; begintalknode 189; state = 35; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "OK."; text1 = "Use it again?"; begintalknode 191; state = 2; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "Don't change anything."; text1 = "Nothing happens."; begintalknode 192; state = 6; personality = 0; nextstate = 96; condition = 1; question = "Would you like powerful items?"; text1 = "The glowing fades, and new words appear on the obelisk"; begintalknode 193; state = 96; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "Give me powerful equipment"; text1 = "You gain excellent gear."; code = reward_give(378); reward_give(441); reward_give(439); reward_give(304); reward_give(188); reward_give(440); reward_give(137); reward_give(152); reward_give(442); reward_give(359); break; begintalknode 194; state = 96; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "Please give me artifact components."; text1 = "You gain all you need to construct the most powerful items"; text2 = "ever chronicled in the annals of the Ashen Isles."; code = reward_give(5); reward_give(6); reward_give(7); reward_give(435); reward_give(436); reward_give(437); reward_give(438); reward_give(420); reward_give(421); reward_give(422); reward_give(423); reward_give(424); reward_give(425); reward_give(426); reward_give(427); reward_give(428); reward_give(288); reward_give(289); reward_give(290); reward_give(291); reward_give(292); reward_give(293); reward_give(294); reward_give(295); reward_give(296); reward_give(297); reward_give(298); reward_give(299); reward_give(300); reward_give(301); break; begintalknode 195; state = 96; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "Please give me all basic item enhancing components."; text1 = "Constructing enhancements..."; code = reward_give(385); reward_give(386); reward_give(387); reward_give(388); reward_give(389); reward_give(390); reward_give(391); reward_give(392); reward_give(393); reward_give(394); reward_give(60); reward_give(120); reward_give(121); reward_give(122); reward_give(123); reward_give(124); break; begintalknode 196; state = 6; personality = 0; nextstate = 97; condition = 1; question = "More..."; text1 = "The writing fades as the obelisk grows intensely hot with power."; text2 = "You are certain it will maximize your abilities if you touch it."; text3 = "However, you may leave it alone if you wish."; begintalknode 197; state = 97; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "(Place your hand on the obelisk)"; text1 = "You feel great. Your enemies shall fall before your might."; code = set_flag(1,12,0); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,1); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,2); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,3); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,4); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,5); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,6); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,7); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,9); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,10); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,11); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,12); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,15); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,16); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,17); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,18); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,20); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,21); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,22); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,40); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,41); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,42); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,43); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,44); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,45); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,46); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,47); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,50); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,51); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,52); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,53); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,54); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,55); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,56); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,57); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,60); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,61); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,62); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,63); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,64); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,65); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,66); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,67); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,70); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,71); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,72); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,73); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,74); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,75); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,76); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,77); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,80); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,81); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,82); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,83); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,84); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,85); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,86); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,87); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,88); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,89); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,90); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,91); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); set_flag(1,12,92); alter_stat(get_sdf(1,12),30); break; begintalknode 198; state = 97; personality = 0; nextstate = 35; condition = 1; question = "Back..."; text1 = "The previous options appear on the obelisk"; begintalknode 199; state = 97; personality = 0; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Leave it."; text1 = "It folds up remarkably quickly, and in a few seconds it is indistinguishable from a normal obelisk."; action = END_TALK;