Aileen's little bit of everything

Romoda Fest
( night that turned tradition)
Music in Venice
 (class trip)
St. Lawrence University
(my Alma Mater)
Chi Omega 
Epsilon Kappa Chapter
(my sorority)
Occasions to remember
Saints Pepband
(redesigned pages)
Michelle's Apartment
(a house warming party)
Graduation 1999 Alexandria Bay
(pictures of Mindy and I)
Links to friend's web sites
Math Department
(updated and designed pages)
My Pictures of  and around SLU Mesopotamian Math 
(I created Calculators for this)
International house 1998 About me
what's new in my life
My Rooms
Pictures of  My rooms at SLU
Online Resume   New Year in  
New York 
(bringing in 1999)