The United Pro Choice Smokers Rights Newsletter

Issue # 32: 09/10/99 Brought to you by:

The Smoker's Club, Inc.

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In this issue:
1. Visit Forces
2. Diary of a Smoking Trip
3. The Ideal Candidate
4. Spanish Pilots Ignore Smoking Ban
5. NSA SpeakEasy
6. Cigarettes and Children: The Rest of the Story
7. See How Your Lawmakers Voted
8. We Are Everyday People
9. 800 # For Local or State Law Information
10. Tobacco Industry Wins Fla. Appeal
1. Visit Forces: Forces. Forces is back online with a new design, news articles, information, editorials, and research into junk science. Don't miss it!

2. Diary of a Smoking Trip: By Gian Turci. Gathering some courage, I asked the man: "Don't you think that America has found its 21st-century niggers?" The old man sadly smiled, and moved away without a word.

3. The Ideal Candidate: By Janice E. Terry. Be careful what you wish for-- you may get it.

4. Spanish Pilots Ignore Smoking Ban: Associated Press. In tobacco-happy Spain, Iberia airlines expected some whining over its new blanket ban on smoking - but not outright defiance from the people who fly their planes.

5. NSA SpeakEasy: National Smokers Alliance. Click on SpeakEasy, sign in and read the message boards about smokers issues. This week read, "Excuse me, Dr. Siegel?" "Disneyland, Smoking, Private Property Rights" "Now they are going to try & tell you that you can't smoke in your own home" and more.

6. Cigarettes and Children: The Rest of the Story: By Steve Chapman. Contrary to what Clinton and Gingrich suggest, very few young adolescents are being lured into a cruel tobacco addiction. The president laments that 3,000 kids begin smoking every day. When I called the White House press office to find his source for this estimate, I was directed to the Centers for Disease Control, which sent me a 1989 study from the Journal of the American Medical Association. But the study said nothing about children. The 3,000-a-day figure referred to 20-year-olds.

7. See How Your Lawmakers Voted: USA Democracy. This is a free service that lets subscribers type in their interests, get back information about congressional legislation on those subjects and cast their own votes. The votes are relayed to the subscribers' representatives in the House and Senate, and feed into a personalized scorecard that compares a person's own "votes" with those cast by the lawmakers.

8. We Are Everyday People:
*** Should Prayer Be Allowed At Public Events? Speak Out: Prayers for Victory: Is it a positive influence on the student athletes? Or, are such public prayers a violation of the separation of church and state, and do they have no place at a high school sporting event?
*** Coalition Against Governmental Encroachment: CAGE. We are against national ID cards, unreassonable gun control, public health nannyism, unfair taxation, junk science, false claims and propaganda in an effort to curtail personal choices and life styles.
*** Speak Out: Profiling Students for Violence: Third Age. Do you want your children or grandchildren "profiled" for violent tendencies -- by school teachers?
*** The FreeCitizen On-Line : FreeCitizen Publications. Hot topics, news, discussions, links and more.

9. For information about your local or state laws, call the Smokers Rights Action Line at 1-800-333-8683.

10. Tobacco Industry Wins Fla. Appeal: By Catherine Wilson. The tobacco industry won a major victory Friday when a state appeals court ruled that damage claims in a landmark smoking case must be considered one smoker at a time. That removes the threat of a single multibillion-dollar verdict.

Andy Kaufman

The August 28 TV Guide states on page 15, "But Kaufman, who died in 1984 at 35 of lung cancer, was a man of many personae, an inspired comic, he thrived on creating chaos and manipulating reality."
They give the wrong impression.
The fact is, Andy Kaufman did die on May 16, 1984 at the age of 35 from a rare form of lung cancer. It was a large-cell carcinoma, inoperable and incurable.

He was a life-long non-smoker, who never drank,
used drugs, or ate red meat.

Ruth Bonita was quoted as saying in 1998 at a conference on strokes, "Probably no more than 4% to 5% of strokes are directly attributable to the effects of tobacco use". (Reuters, "Stroke epidemic to hit developing world" Oct. 20, 1998). How does a risk go from 4% to 5% in the context of a stroke conference to up to 600% in the context of an anti-smoking study? This is by the same person. It is a dramatic example of how anti-smokers distort, lie and torture statistics to argue their propaganda.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.

Thank you for your continued help in creating this newsletter!

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