Legal Reference Page

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"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty"

Thomas Jefferson

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add this some where U.S. Patent Office - find patents by patent number or search by key words

Legal1 Research Site

Table of Contents

1 and other research information like stuff for computer geeks, atheists, artists, and libertarians.



Social Security Number Reference Section

Fully Informed Jury Section

(ie: help free a drug war prisoner)

United States Federal Law Section

Arizona Legal Reference Section

State Laws of the other 50 American States

Legal Research and Reference Sites

Other stuff

convert this stinking trash to table format when i have time

Immigration Laws and stuff

U.S. Supreme Court Cases

Search for Case History of Court Decisions

Dictionarys & Encyclopedia to use when doing legal research

Statical information and stuff like that

HTML Reference Documents - for writting web pages

Gimp, Photo Shop, Illustrator notes

For GIMP and Adobe Photoshop are used to edit pictures and photos. Its pretty easy for and artistic zero (like me) to produce amazing looking edited photos after learning to use either GIMP or Photoshop.

While you can produce new photos from scratch with either GIMP or Photoshop its probably easier to use Adobe Illustrator to produce new art work. The nice thing about Illustrator is that the images are stored as formulas and thus can be scaled in any direction with out the image losing its quality. It don't work that way with a gif or a jpeg file. On the bad side the formula base files of Illustrator are much bigger in size then gif or jpg files.

Sites that deal with ID Cards or Fake Id Cards

Sites that allow you to accept credit cards and sell your stuff on the internet or transfer money

MS/DOS, DOS, & Unix Commands and other computer geek information

You can sue the pigs if they dont give you your miranda rights

I have been falsely arrested or detained probably 8 times. Not ONCE did the pigs read me my Miranda Rights. And in fact each time I told the pigs I was refusing to answer their questions the pigs threatened to hurt, harm, or arrest me. From my personal history Miranda Rights are just fiction that are read on TV shows and no where else in the United states.

I have had the same problem when I was walking and stopped by the pigs and refused to provide identification. More often then not the pigs stole my wallet looking for my ID. That why I no longer carry ID with me.

  • you can also view these alt listings about police at make it a split menu with a tocaltcop.html on one side so they can select the alt stuff and the on the other side so they can type in the alt.stuff the alt.stuff is

    List of PIG sites (Police Departments, Jack booted thugs)

    These sites have links to all kinds of cops sites

    Some have links to Police Departments around the world. Other have links that sell police supplies and stuff. Others have links to sites where you can search to see if you, your friends, or relatives are wanted by the government. Or find out where the cops buy sniper rifles (used for defensive reasons only).

    Arizona Cops, Goons, Police and Jackbooted thugs

    Federal Cops, Goons, Police and Jackbooted thugs

    Mexican Cops, Goons, Police and Jackbooted thugs

    What time is it? According to the international time keepers?

    What date is it? Calendar for Current Year or Any year (Calender)

    Places that offer FREE web sites and FREE e-mail accounts

    FREE e-mail!, FREE list servers, FREE web sites, FREE e-mail lists

    liberty library of constitutional classics

    Where to buy your cop law book

    This company sells the law books that most cops carry around in their cars. The books generally contain a states traffic, and criminals laws. This book is usefull to help keep the pigs honest when they stop you. Also its fairly entertaining on all the useless and unconstitional krap you find in state laws. For example in Arizona sodomy is still illegal (thats oral, anal or sex with animals). In Arizona the use or sale of anything you think is a illegal drug is the same crime as if it actually was the drug you thought it was.A So selling parsley as marijuana is just as much a crime as selling marijuana.

    Po Box 7587
    Charlottesville, Va

    1. You can order by phone (800)562-1197
    2. They will bill you for the order - credit card not required
    3. They will ship via UPS
    In Arizona I love to carry around this book which sells for $16 (Feb 2000). which contains the Arizona Traffic and Criminal code and a few summarys of other codes. Its the book the local pigs carry around. And you can always use it to make sure the pigs arn't lying to you. Its called:
    Arizona Criminal and Traffic Law Manual
    When I lived in Nevada and Chicago I had books for those states which are pretty much like the Arizona book.

    Latest dope on ALP vs ALP INC fued

    New Shit that's just in and i couldn' figure out where to put

    Stuff on Privacy

    PGP - Pretty Good Privacy

    With PGP you give a public key to everybody in the world. Anyone in the world can use PGP and the public key to encrypt messages to send to you.

    You have a 2nd private key that is used to decrypt messages sent to you.

    If you use a long enought key for most people in the world it will be impossible to decode these secret messages. For people with a lot of money (like the government agency NSA with its super computers) It will take a lot of time and money to decrypt your message. For most government agency it won't be worth the cost of decrypting your messages to snoop on you.

    If the government wants to read your internet mail make it cost them some money by using PGP.

    Maps - City, County, State, World maps

    Search for E-Mail Address of Government Buerocrats

    Search for People or Business

    This is the White Pages, Yellow Pages, and Blue Pages of the telephone book.

    Search Engines to foil Phoenix Library Censors

    In your browsers you normally have an image on the top of the browser that looks like this
    Internet Explorer Netscape
    and when you click on it your browser will display a web page that has the most common search engines used on the web.

    The the jackbooted government censors at the Phoenix Library disabled these icons from all the internet computers at the Phoenix Librarys to prevent the kiddies from searching for porn and prevent adults for searching for good inforamtion.

    The jackbooted censors also disabled the cntl/F key the Edit line which brings up this box

    which cause this box
    to appear so the kiddies could not search for porn within any web page displayed on the screen which also prevents adults from searching for valuable information in web pages and wasting their time searching manually with their eyeballs when the computer could do it faster then you can blink with the disabled find command.

    And last the jackbooted censors at the Phoenix Public Library disabled the CNTL/C, CNTL/V,and CNTL/X keys which are used as short cuts to cut, paste, and copy text. Now you have to do it the hard way by

    Since the jackbooted censors can't remove the search engines from the web I have put pointers to them here. (Sorry I can't restore the find box, but at least I can point you to the search engines the Phoenix Library Censors don't want you to use)

    My advice to the jackbooted government censors at the Phoenix Public Library is that while your at it you should rip all the indexs and table of contents from all the books in your library so the kiddies and adults can't find anything in your book collections. And I must say Adolf Hitler Joe Stalin would be proud of the the jackbooted government censors that work for the Phoenix Public Library. And with a little bit of training maybe you can bring us back to the days when Christians burned books.


    Stuff for Ricky Duncan

    Ricky Duncan is a Libertarian roofer who has cause some major problems for the tax and spend governments of Arizona, Maricopa County, and the City of Phoenix and theiving Jerry Cagelo owner of the Arizona Diamondbacks and Phoenix Sun thru some of the obscure legal stuff he has found.

    New Shit I dont know where to put

    Vin Suprynowicz at the Las Vegas Review-Journal