- Nickname: Asvald
- Domain: Imperial
- Test player: /
- Sex: male
- Other character: Yvain
- Spouse: /
- Real name: Sylvain Dietrich
- E-mail: sylvaind@cybercable.tm.fr
- ICQ: not yet
- "Real" sex: male
- Country: France
- Date of Birth: 21/09/1972
- Personal Page: Not yet neither, but under conception
- Looks: Can you figure out a big, well grown garden midget of approximately 1.78m. ? That's about it... With hazel eyes and brown hair, for what is left...
- Life Wisdom: Be tolerant and nice... As an old Dunefriend of mine (Eowyn, where are you ?) put it in other words : To Live and Love !
- Picture: