
The wind is blowing brisk and chill
Last season's leaves fly up the hill
The thickening clouds have hid the sky
Fat and think the clouds float by
And then the wind is still

The clouds all like a herd of sheep
They flock together as to keep
The sun from trying to peek through
Its warmth can't reach the morning dew
To wake the Earth from sleep

The battle 'tween the clouds and sun
Although it'd only just begun
Begins to end as rays of light
Peek through the clouds and into sight
The wind turns 'round to run

The wind had finally run away
The clouds begin to tear and fray
The sun shines fully all around
New blades of grass come from the ground
To start a new spring day

(c) "Amalthea Celebras" K.C. Fahel 27 March 1999