Merlyn is 44 years old, a licensed USCG captain, dive instructor, school teacher, sail and canvas maker, and great cook.
     Stan, 42, is also a licensed USCG captain as well as a salvage diver, marine engineer, shipwright, civil engineer, navigator, and lousy cook.
     Stan comments: "We both have the same birthday (Dec. 20), which is really cool. We both have blue eyes, brown hair and sore backs. We love sailing and any kind of true adventure.  We love animals and sea creatures. We always visit the local aquariums and will travel great distances to visit animal sanctuaries."
     Merlyn is a master of the English language and Stan has a gift for native languages.
     They each got their first sailboats at the age of 21 and with only brief breaks have been sailing ever since. They met in Hawaii.



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