(Examination of Martha Carrier)

The Examination of Martha Carrier . 31. May. 1692

Abigail Williams w'o hurts you?

Goody Carrier of Andover.

Eliz: Hubbard who hurts you?

Goody Carrier

Susan:Sheldon, who hurts you?

Goody Carrier, she bites me, pinches me, & tells me she would cut my throat, if I did not signe her book

Mary Walcot said she afflicted her & brought the book to her.

What do you say to this you are charged with?

I have not done it.

Sus:Sheldon cried she looks upon the black man.

Ann Putman complained of a pin stuck in her.

What black man is that?

I know none

Ann Putman testifyed there was.

Mary Warrin cryed out she was prickt.

What black man did you see?

I saw no black man but your own presence.

Can you look upon these & not knock them down?

They will dissemble if I look upon them.

You see you look upon them & they fall down

It is false the Devil is a liar.

I lookt upon none since I came into the room but you

Susan:Sheldon cryed out in a Trance I wonder what could you murder. 13. persons?

Mary Walcot testifyed the same that there lay.13. Ghosts.

All the afflicted fell into most intollerable out-cries & agonies.

Eliz: Hubbard & Ann Putman testifyed the same that she had killed 13. at Andover.

It is a shamefull thing that you should mind these folks that are out of their wits.

Do not you see them?

If I do speak you will not believe me?

You do see them, said the accusers.

You lye, I am wronged.

There is the black man wispering in her ear said many of the afflicted.

Mercy Lewes in a violent fit, was well upon the examinants grasping her arm.

The Tortures of the afflicted was so great that there was no enduring of it, so that she was ordered away & to be bound hand & foot with all expedition the afflicted in the mean while almost killed to the great trouble of all spectators Magistrates & others.

Note. As soon as she was well bound they all had strange & sodain ease.

Mary Walcot told the Magistrates that this woman told her she had been a witch this. 40. yeares.

(Reverse) Martha Carriers Carrier Examinacion

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 136 )
