Ann Pudeator

Ann Pudeator Executed, September 22, 1692 (See also: George Jacobs, Sr. -- Mittimus.) (Warrant for Arrest of Ann Pudeater and Alice Parker) To: To the Marshall of Essex or Constable in Salem

You are in theire Majes'ts names hereby required forthwith to apprehend and bring before us Alice parker the wife of John parker of Salem and Ann pudeator of Salem Widdow who stand Charged with sundry acts of Witchcraft by them Committed this day Contrary to the Laws of our Sov'r Lord & Lady. faile not Dated Salem. May the. 12'th 1692

[fig=BS30701a][/fig] us *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assists

*Jonathan. Corwin

May 12'th -- 1692 I have apprehended the a bove named persons and Brought them att the place apointed by your honors

[fig=BS30701b][/fig]r mee *George Herrick Marshall of Essex

(Reverse) copyed

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 109 )

(Sarah Churchill v. Ann Pudeator, Bridget Bishop, and George Jacobs, Sr.) Sarah Churchwell confesseth that Goody pudeater brought the book to this Examin't and she signed it, but did not know her at

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 702- that tyme but when she saw her she knew her to be the same and that Goody Bishop [fig=BS30702a][/fig] Olliver appeared to this Examinant & told her she had killed John Trask's Child, (whose Child dyed about that tyme) & said Bishop [fig=BS30702b][/fig] Olliver afflicted her as alsoe did old George Jacobs, and before that time this Examin't being afflicted could not doe her service as formerly and her s'd Master Jacobs called her bitch witch & ill names & then afflicted her as #[before] above and that pudEater brought 3: Images like Mercy Lewis, Ann putnam, Eliza' Hubbard & they brought her thornes & she stuck them in the Images & told her the persons whose likeness they were, would be afflicted & the other day saw Goody Olliver [fitt] sate upon her kneee,

Jurat in Curia by Sarah Churchill

This Confession was taken before John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin Esq'rs 1'0 Jun[fig=BS30702c][/fig]y 1692, as attests

*Tho Newton

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 110 )

(Examination of Ann Pudeator) An Puddeater: examined before the Majestrates of Salem July 2: 92 Sarah Churchwell: was bid to: say what she: had to say of her: You have charged her with bringing the book to you:

A Yes said: Churchwell

have you seen her since. A no:

goodwife puddeater: you have: formerly: bin complaynd of: we now further enquire: here is one person: saith you brought her: the book Sarah Churchell: look on the person: ses Churchill: you did bring me the book: I was at Goodman Jacobses

Puddeater s'd I never saw the Woman before now::it was told puddeater this mayd charged you with: bringing her: the book: at the last examinat'n Puddeater s'd I never saw: the Devils book nor knew that he had one Lt Jer: Neal: was asked what he could say of this woman Neal s'd she had been an ill carriaged woman: & since my wife has bin sick of the small pox: this woman has come to my house pretending kindnes: and I was glad to see it: she asked: whether she might use our morter: which was used: for my wife: and I consented

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 703- to it: but I afterward repented of it: for the nurs told. me my wife was the wors: for senc she was very ill of a flux: which she had not before

When the officer came: for puddeater: the nurs s'd you are come to late for my wife grew wors till she dyed: s'd Pudeater had often threatned my wife:

Eliz Hubard: s'd she: had seen s'd Pudeater [] s'd Mary Wolcot: but she had not hurt her she had seen her with goodwife Nurs

goody puddeater what did you doe with the ointments that you had in the hous so many of them:she s'd I never had ointment nor oyl but neats foot oyl in my hous since my husband dyed: but the Constable Joseph Neal affirmd she had: she had near 20 that had oynment or greas: in them: a little in a thing: she s'd she never had any oyntment but neats foot oyl: in the hous but what was in these things the Constable speakes of.

A. It was greas: to make sope of::but: why: did you put them in so many things when one would have held all: but answerd not the porpose: but the constabl. s'd oyntments were of several sorts

Sarah Vibber did you ever se this woman: before now answered no An putn[u]m s'd she had never seen: her but since she come: to Salem Town last: s'd Putman fell into a fitt: & s'd Puddeater was commanded to take her by the wrist & did & s'd Putnum was well presently: many warin fell into: two fitts quickly after. one another: & both times was helped: by s'd Puddeaters: taking her by the wrist

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 111 )

(Summons for Witnesses v. Ann Pudeator and Alice Parker) Wm & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King & Queen defend' s &c.

To the Sheriff of Essex or deputy Greeting

L. S.

We Co[fig=BS30703a][/fig]nd you to Warn John Wesgate John Bullock Martha Dutch Susanna Dutch Lt. Jeremiah Neale John Beckett John Best Jun'r Jno Loader Sarah parott

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 704- That they & Every of them appear at the Next Court of Oyer & Terminer holden at Salem on the Next Tuesday at Twelve of the Clock There to Testify the Truth to the best of thier knowledge On certain Indictments to be Exhibited against Alice Parker & Ann Pudeater hereof Make return fail not dated in Salem Sep'r 5'th 1692 in the fourth yeare of Our Reign.

*Stephen Sewall Cle[fig=BS30704a][/fig]


Sept 5'th 1692 I have Sumoned and have Warned all the within named persons John Best Jun'r Except s'd Best beeing Removed to Ipswich that thay and Every of them appeare to Give in their Evid: &c: att time and place within written

[fig=BS30704b][/fig]'r me *George Herrick Dep't Sheriff

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 111 )

(Indictment v. Ann Pudeator) Essex in the Province of [unclear: ] the Massachussetts Bay In New England ss

Annoq'e R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Do[fig=BS30704c][/fig] 1692 //

The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King & Queen [fig=BS30704d][/fig]sent That Ann Pudeator of Salem in the County of Essex #[Widow] aforesaid Widdow The second day of July in the Yeare Aforesaid and divers others days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcraft & Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised At and within the Township of Salem aforesaid in & upon & against one Mary Warren of Salem aforesaid Single Woeman, by which said Wicked Acts the said Mary Warren the second day of July aforesaid and divers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed Wasted & Tormented, and also for sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Ann Pudeater Comitted and done before and Since that time Ags't the peace of Our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 705- & Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and ags't the forme of the Stattute in that Case made and Provided


Mary Warren Jurat

Sarah Churchel Jurat

Ann Putman Jurat


Ann Pudeator on Mary Warren

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 108 )

(Sarah Churchill v. Ann Pudeator) Sarah Churchel: affirmd: to: the Jury of inquest: that Ann Puddeatee: has: greatly afflicted her s'd Churchel by: choaking her pinching her & sticking pinse into her: & by pressing of her: &: making her sett her hand to: the book upon: the oath she hath: taken Sept: 6: 1692

Sworn in Court.

& brought poppets to her to stick pins to w'ch she did & the [fig=BS30705a][/fig]'sons aflicted by it

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(Mary Warren v. Ann Pudeator) Mary Warin upon her oath: that she hath taken affirms: to the Jury of inquest that Ann Puddeater hath often: afflicted me: by biting me pinching me sticking pins in me: & choaking me: and particularly on the 2 day of July: att her examination: s'd Puddeater did: afflict me greatly: also she or her Apperition did offer: me the book to sign to: she told me also that she was the caus of Jno Turners falling

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 706- off: the cherry tree: to his great: hurt: & which: amazed him in his head & almost kild him: she told me also: she was the caus of: Jeremiah Neals wifes death: & I saw her hurt: Eliz Hubbard: Mary Walcot: & An Putnam: the last night she: afflicted: me also: last night: by her wichcrafts & I doe veryly: beleev: s'd Ann Puddeater is a: wich: she affirms puddeater: told her: she kild har husband Puddeater: & his first wife and that she was an instrument of Jno Bests: wifes death: Sept 7: 1692 Sworne in Court

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Ann Pudeator) Eliz Hubberd affirmd: upon: the oath she hath taken thatt: she hath seen: Ann: Puddeate: Afflict Mary: Warin: & that she or her Apperition did hurt me and Mary Warin the last night before. the Jury of inquest: Sep'r: 7: 1692 & that she hath aflicted her since she came into Court

Jurat in Curia. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Ann Pudeator) An Putnam affirmed: upon: her oath: to: the Jury of inquest: that: she: hath seen Ann Puddeater: afflict Mary Warin: Mary Walcot: & Eliz Hubbard: often: and perticulerly: att the time: of her: last examination: before the Majestrates: at Mr Tho. Beadles: she also: hath afflicted me: both then and at other times: Sept'r 7: 1692

Owned her Evidence in Court

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 707- (Sarah Bibber v. Ann Pudeator) Sarah Vibber: upon: her: oath affirmed to the Jury of inquest that shee: hath seen: An Puddeater afflict: Mary Warin: Mary Walcot & An Putnam: both at the time of her examination at Mr Tho Beadles; and the last night she: together with goodwife Parker. did afflict: the forenamed: Warin Walcot & Putnum: s'd Puddeater: hath afflicted: me: to: and i do beleeve she is a wich Sep'r 7: 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(Mary Walcott v. Ann Pudeator) Mary Walcot: upon oath affirmd to the Jury of inquest: that: she hath seen An Puddeater: afflict Mary: Warin: An Putnam: & Eliz Hubbard: at the time of her examination: at Mr Tho Beadles: and also the last night: I saw: her: afflict Mary Warin #[Mercy Lewis] An Putman & Eliz Hubbard: by wichcraft: & I verily beleev: s'd Pudeater: is a witch September: 7: 92. & that this day she hath afflicted this deponent.

Jurat in Curia Sep'r 10. 92. Attest *S Sewall

I find: by: my Characters: which I took: at the examination of An Puddeater that it was on the 2 day of July: that she was examined: at mr Tho Beadles thay bearing: date so:

Septr 7: 1692 *Simon Willard:

(Reverse) Several Witnesses against An Pudeator

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(Samuel Pickworth v. Ann Pudeator) The testimony of Samuall Pikworth Whou testifieth that a bout six weckes agoo: I this deponant was coming along salim strete [fig=BS30707a][/fig]tween ann pudeaters hous and Captin higison hous. it being in the evening:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 708- and I this deponant saw awoman: neare Captin higisonn Cornar. the which I sopposed to be ann Pudeatar. and in a moment of time she pasid by me as swifte as if a burd flue by me and I saw said woman goo in to ann Pudeat [eat] ers hous

Jurat in Curia *S Sewall Cl[fig=BS30708a][/fig]

Sam'll Pickworth: affirmeth: that the above written evidence is the truth: upon oath: to: the Jury of Inquest: Sept'r 7: 92

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Ann Pudeator) (Reverse)

September the 7. 92 ann Putnam afarmid to the grand Inquest that ann pudeatar: tould har that she flu by aman in the neight in to a hous

(Reverse) Sam Pickworth

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(John Best, Sr. v. Ann Pudeator) The testimony of Jno Best Senior aged about 48 years Testifieth & saith that some years Last past that I this Deponat did often hear my wife saye that Ann pudeater would not Lett her alone untill she had killd her By her often pinching & Bruseing of her Till her Earms & other parts of her Body Looked Black by Reson of her soer pinching of her in the Tyme of her sickness of my wife did affarm that itt was an pudeater that afflict her & stood in the Belefe of itt as Long as she Lived.

Jurat in Curia *S Sewall Cle[fig=BS30708b][/fig] Sep'r 7'th 92

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 709-

Jno Best: afirmed: to the truth of the above written: before the Jury of inquest. Sept'r 7: 1692

(Reverse) Jno Best Oath ags't An: Pudeator --

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 113 )

(John Best, Jr. v. Ann Pudeator) The testimony of John best Junear hou testifieth uppon his oath before the grand Inquest that his Mother did severall tims in har siknis complain of ann pudeatar of salim the wife of Jacob pudeatar how she had beewiched har and that she did believe she would kill har before she had dun: and soo she said severall times duering hear siknis: until har death allso I this deponant: did severall times goo in to the woulds to fech my fathars Cowes: and I did drive goode pudeatars Cow back from. our Cowes: and I being all alone: ann pudeatar would Chide me when I Came houm: for turning the Cow bak: by Reson of which I this deponant did ConClude said pudeater was a wich

Jurat in Curia (Reverse) John best Junior against pudeatar

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 113 )

(Petition of Ann Pudeator) The humble Petition of Ann Poodeater unto the honoured Judge and Bench now Setting in Judicature in Salem humbly Sheweth:

That Wheras your Poor and humble Petitioner being condemned to die and knowing in my own conscience as I shall shortly answer it before the great God of heaven who is the searcher & knower of all hearts: That the Evidence of Jno Best Sen'r and Jno Best Jun'r and Sam'll Pickworth w'ch was given in against me in Court were all of them altogether false & untrue and besides the abovesaid Jno Best hath been formerly whipt and likewise is r[fig=BS30709a][/fig]rded for a Lyar I would humbly begg of yo'r honours to Take it into your Judicious and Pious

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 710- consideration That my life may not be taken away by such false Evidence and wittnesses as these be likewise the Evidence given in against me by Sarah Church and Mary Warren I am altogether ignorant off and know nothing in the least measure about it nor nothing else concerning the crime of witchcraft for w'ch I am condemned to die as will be known to men and angells att the great day of Judgment begging and imploring your prayers att the throne of grace in my behalfe and your poor and humble petition'r shall for ever pray as she is bound in duty for your hon'rs health and happiness in this life and eternall felicity in the world to come


Ann Pudeaters Peti[fig=BS30710a][/fig]

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 113 )

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