Solutions Provider Support group network

Child Care Referrals
California Legislation
Article of the Month
Contact Us
Health in the Child Care Setting
Our Purpose
Workshops/ conferences coming up
Child Care Insurance
Child Care law center Q&A
How to promote and Market your Child Care
Why some providers Strive and others fail
IT'S NOT EASY ANYMORE (getting kids)
Telephone Interviewing- Turning phone calls into enrollment
Most Common Mistakes in a Child Care contract
How to Run a Successful Child Care Business
ChildCare preschool Curriculum
Becoming a Member

Welcome To Solutions Web site
A source of information for Child Care providers
Solutions is a provider support group and training network.  Our providers work together to give support and encouragement to each other.  We have workshops so that providers can further their professional growth and promote  quality child care.  We strive to work together as a support network.  We are very happy at the responses we have received in membership in our group.  Solutions is a special group of child care professionals and we are honored to have them. 
Sincerely  The Solutions Support Leaders

Meetings are currently  held the 2nd Thursday of the month.
Meetings are held in the months of
Sept, Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, March, April, May, June.
We take a break for the summer in July and August and we have a Holiday Brunch in December in lew of a meeting.
Our meeting location is:
10054 Bruceville Blvd
Elk Grove, CA 95757
Sign in's start 6:30 p.m.
Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. till 9:00 p.m.
We give professional growth certifcates when you attend a meeting.  Topics vary from month to month.
Any further details please email us:


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The yahoo group is an online email group.  Where the providers chat, share, and promote child care.  Join our email group today......For providers in and around Sacramento  County



Last updated on 1/16/2009, 7:50:17 PM

Providers networking together to find solutions