Have We Repented Genuinely?
Deeper Experience


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Inward Life
Deeper Experience
The Spiritual World
Expounding the Word of God
Do we Care about Kingdom Of God/Heaven
True and Genuine Repentance
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As we continue holding our soul deep in our inward parts , we will discover that God has magnetic attracting quality! Our God is like a magnet! The Lord naturally draws us more and more toward Himself.

The next thing we notice is this: As we move toward the center , the Lord also purifies us of all the things that are not of Him.

When our soul is once turned toward God - the God who dwells within our spirit - we will find it easy to keep turning within. The longer we continue to turn within , the closer we will come to God and the more firmly we will cling to Him.

The closer we are drawn to God, the further we are removed from the activities of our natural man. The natural man, to be sure, is very opposed to our inward drawing toward God. Nonetheless, there will come a point when we will finally be established in having turned within. From that point on , it will be natural for us to live on the surface of our being; now it will be our habit to live in the center of our being where our Lord dwells.

Actually the only thing we should attempt to do - is to keep withdrawing ourself from external objects. Keep turning from external objects and keep turning within to our spirit.

The more passive and peaceful we remain, the more quickly we advance toward God. The freer we are from exerting our own effort, the more quickly we will move toward our Lord.

If we remain faithful in the things touched on up until now, we will be astonished to feel the Lord gradually taking full possession of our whole being.

God pours into us a deep, inward love. This experience of love is one that will fill and permeate our whole being. There is no way to describe this new level of experience and the encounter with the Lord.

In future, You can expect more....... on this page.

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