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Godliness is something that comes from God as continue to live a Spirit filled life. If we are faithfull to learn the simple way to experience the Lord, we will take possession of God. And as we possess Him, we will inherit all His traits. This is godliness: The more we possess God , the more we are like Him.

But it must be a godliness that has grown within us. If godliness is not from deep within us, it is only a mask. Only when godliness is produced in us from the Life that is deep within us - then that godliness is real, lasting , and the genuine essence of the Lord.

The Christians who have learned to be abandoned to Jesus Christ and who walks in a life of abandonment to Him, practices godliness in the highest degree. But we would never hear such a person claim to possess any particular spirituality at all. Why? Because that Christian has become totally united with God. It is the Lord Himself who is leading that believer into this very thorough practice of godliness.

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