by Lieve Brauers

The presence in cyberspace makes us realize, after a while, that it is an exact copy of the « real life » we all function in. In real life we attract what we visualize and we see glimpses of the Divine through the presence of meaningful coincidences and other signs that make us aware of that particular presence.

In cyberspace it is no different. Through the right visualizations we are intuïtively guided to the right places that may enlighten us on our paths and make us share with others in such a way that it adds to the growth process we all are spiritually participating in. If we are visualizing the negative we attract the negative...when we visualize or focus on the positive we attract the positive - as in real life, this happens in cyberspace too.

From this realization we might wonder if cyberspace is just a world of illusion we escape to in order to find what we lack in real life, or if instead cyberspace is another dimension to our real life where exactly the same universal laws seem to work...

From a personal point of view it seems to fit when we suppose that cyberspace is no illusion but another way to participate in real life; we communicate in cyberspace with other humans, not with machines: the machines are just the tools to establish this communication. And it is enlightening that all impressions about someone we never have never met face to face seem to be the exact same impressions we get when we finally meet that other human being face to face. My own experience in that regard is a very positive one. I have met several people with whom I had been communicating for a year or so only through cyberspace, and the first meetings always created the impression that we had already known one another a very long time. It was like meeting a family member we had not seen for a while, only the impressions as felt in cyberspace were entirely consistent with the subsequent « real » life encounters: never have I felt any disillusionment from meeting these friends.

With that knowledge in mind it is only one step to a higher level of communication and to recognize also the spiritual realm in cyberspace as real too. Because what seems to work from a personal point of view seems to work from a spiritual point of view. Our intuition guides us to the places where we need to be, where we feel connected to a higher unity and where we feel a little part of the whole. Why would our impressions about the presence of the Divine on the Internet, the possibility to become more transpersonal and to grow into a more enlightened humanity be so wrong when we know already from measuring our more personal experiences in cyberspace to « real life » that our intuition is to be trusted ?

Therefore it is wonderful to realize that cyberspace can put us back on paths we seemed to have lost, and facilitate the sharing of good and constructive energies that our rationalized immediate surrounding might not be able to share. If we live in a community where every attempt to break the chains of what is known as socially acceptable and established is sanctioned by f.i. exclusion we might find our way to grow in cyberspace in the first place in a more real way than in the elitist, bourgoise environment we have to function in. And why would spiritual communion in cyberspace be less real than our « acting » in a fast-forward society where we have to live up to deadlines and competitors on a daily basis, where "sharks" are awaiting the opportunity to drink our blood?

So...what is more real ? The illusion of "growing" through more business accounts and "successes" that can be taken again from us by competitors around the next corner? The status of driving a company car that we can smash into a wall the next time we are hurrying again to the next meeting ? Or the feeling we are part of a spiritual quest through connecting to the rest of the world in cyberspace where the deepest feelings and realizations to our common growth are shared ?

Personally I feel more real in cyberspace than in my daily business life. Personally I have to admit that cyberspace has brougt me more humanity than « real life » ever has, in any regard - on a personal basis as well as on a transpersonal and spiritual basis - and since the most positive visualizations create the most positive attractions and events there is a serious reason to believe that confronting positive ideas and spiritual growth through communication in cyberspace may have its effect in the « real world » too. One is not inferior to the other: both realities are part of that one Divine whole. And interaction between cyberspace and « real life » might be a step forward for us all in the direction of a better human race.




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