October 2, 2006: The Den has had a semi-massive overhaul. Old pages have been torn down; new pages have replaced
them. Photos, due to limited bandwith, have been removed. Most of us have seen Star Trek enough times to know what scenes
looked like. However, there is now a seperate place for artwork, and there's a lot of it. Behold the slashy visual goodness.
There's also another page for vids and other more complex visual/audio media formats, which are computer/Internet specific.
The link list has been revised, but it's also far from complete. So if you need an author website, see if we have it.
If we don't have a link, and you'd like to recommend a website, a story, or a picture, send an email to
New challenges have been posted to the challenge site, but it's a work in progress. We are accepting challenges for the
If you'd like to make a challenge, please send an email to the aforementioned email address. If you'd like to answer
a challenge, please go ahead. Then send it to one of the S/Mc posting places and it will end up on this website.
The contact page has changed slightly. It's more entertaining. And this front page will be updated regularly for messages,
as a sort of sub-space bulletin board.
There are also, now, 576, count them, 576 S/Mc stories on this website. That's amazing!!! Let us all have
a moment of awed silence in honor of the authors who've helped with this achievement.