* Be familiar with OA and Scouting policies for Lodge Officers.
? Be familiar with “Robert’s Rules of Order.”
* Prepare Lodge Plan Book.
* Consult with Lodge Advisor in advance of monthly ECM meeting.
* Prepare and distribute to the Lodge Officers and Advisors in advance, the agenda for the
   monthly ECM meeting.
* Make sure that all lodge officers are prepared for the ECM meeting.
* Get guest lecturers or experts as needed.
* Run annual planning meeting.
* Distribute the annual calendar of the Executive Committee Meetings.
* Direct and train next years lodge officers.
* Serve as past Lodge Chief in year after.
* Correspond monthly with your District counterpart.
* Responsible for monthly input to the Vice Chief of Communication for the Lodge Newsletter.
* Chair all Lodge functions.
* Chair monthly lodge executive committee meeting (ECM).
? Responsible for planning and running all out door events: Winter Banquet / Spring
   Pow Wow / SR 6 South Conclave / Both Ordeals /Fall Fellowship / SR 6 South Indian
   Events Seminar / Scout Show. (Provides the Agenda)
? Makes sure that Lodge has an Event Patch design in time.
? Serves as Vigil Chief and proceeds over selection of new members.

Bold equals Primary Duty / Italics equals a Duty in the Field


* 1st in line when Lodge Chief can not be present.
? Be familiar with “Robert’s Rules of Order.”
* Be familiar with OA and Scouting policies for Lodge Officers.
* Keep the Lodge Membership Database.
* Keep up with the membership records on who goes through Ordeal, Brotherhood and Vigil.
? Distributes and Tracks chapter progress in “Chapter of the Year” contest.
* Distribute "How to Hold a Unit OA Election" to the Chapter Officers.
* Schedule training for "How to Hold a Unit OA Election".
* Follow up with Chapter Officers on unit elections within their District.
* Keep records of candidates selected by the Chapter.
* Work with chapter to follow up on inactive members.
* Schedule training for Elangomats for the Ordeal weekends.
* Responsible for Knowledge and Training sessions at Lodge activities.
* Responsible for the Knowledge and Training session at the Section Conclave.
* Responsible for keeping up with Membership Information forms at all activities and turning
   them into the OA Scouting Professional.
* Correspond monthly with your District counterpart.
* Responsible for monthly input to the Vice Chief of Communication for the Lodge Newsletter.
* Attend all Lodge Functions.
* Attend monthly lodge executive committee meeting.
? Assign camp sites at Lodge events
? Responsible for Registration at all Outside events
? Runs Brotherhood experience

Bold equals Primary Duty / Italics equals a Duty in the Field


* 2nd in line when Lodge Chief can not be present.
* Be familiar with OA and Scouting policies for Lodge Officers.
? Be familiar with “Robert’s Rules of Order.”
* Responsible for a Council “Where to go Camping Guide”.
* Responsible for summer camp promotion for the Council to the Districts.
* Responsible for helping the Lodge Chief to plan the program for all Lodge activities.
* Responsible for Activities at Lodge Events (ex. Climbing Wall, Archery, Waterfront, Etc. )
* Plans and Supervises all “Ordeal Work Projects” at all Lodge Ordeal Weekends.
* Responsible for the Quest Events at the Section Conclave.
* Hold a Quest for the Silver /Golden Arrow at the Spring Pow Wow before the Section
   Conclave. Distributes rules / scoring ect.
* Responsible for promoting Lodge Spirit at all Lodge activities.
* Correspond monthly with your District counterpart.
* Responsible for monthly input to the Vice Chief of Communication for the Lodge Newsletter.
* Attends all Lodge functions.
* Attend monthly lodge executive committee meeting.

Bold equals Primary Duty / Italics equals a Duty in the Field


* 3rd in line when Lodge Chief can not be present.
? Be familiar with “Robbers Rules of Order.”
* Be familiar with OA and Scouting policies for Lodge Officers.
* Assign ceremonial sites at the ECM meeting prior to the event.
* Responsible for knowing what ceremonial sites each chapter team is using.
* Responsible for knowing which ceremonial teams will be at each function and what
   Ceremonies they will be performing.
* Hold a ceremonies competition at the Spring Pow Wow to send a team/s to the Section
* Hold a dance competition (if needed) to send individual and/or group participants to the
  Section Conclave.
* Responsible for the Lodge Singing Team.
* Receive and read all letters from brotherhood candidates.
? Responsible for running a proper Brotherhood experience & Keep track of who completed
   the trail.
* Hold try outs for the Brotherhood team (If appropriate).
* Responsible for supplies for chapter ceremonies (ex. Sashes, Handbooks, Etc. ).
* Correspond monthly with your District counterpart.
* Responsible for monthly input to the Vice Chief of Communication for the Lodge Newsletter.
* Attends all Lodge functions.
* Attend monthly lodge executive committee meeting.
? Responsible for Indian Events at SR 6 S and Indian Events Seminar

Bold equals Primary Duty / Italics equals a Duty in the Field


* 4th in line when Lodge Chief can not be present.
* Be familiar with OA and Scouting policies for Lodge Officers.
? Be familiar with “Robert’s Rules of Order.”
* Take minutes at all OA meetings and publish those minutes to the Lodge.
* Gather, write articles and “Publish the Lodge Newsletter” (The Quiver).
* Gather and write articles for the Council Newsletter (The Spirit).
* Gather and write articles for the Section Newsletter
* Encourage publications with the chapters.
* Publish miscellaneous forms (ex. New Member Information, Registration for the Spring Pow
   Wow, Registration for the Fall Fellowship, Registration for the Ordeal Weekends, Etc. )
* Correspond monthly with your District counterpart.
? Responsible for taking pictures at events, interviewing people, and Keeping Lodge History
* Attend all Lodge functions.
* Attend monthly lodge executive committee meeting.

Bold equals Primary Duty / Italics equals a Duty in the Field


* 5th in line when Lodge Chief can not be present.
* Be familiar with OA and Scouting policies for Lodge Officers.
? Be familiar with “Robert’s Rules of Order.”
* Keep records on Lodge income and expenses.
* Help the Vice Chief of Administration keep records on dues paid by each member.
* Pay bills as required.
* Prepare annual Budget of expenses.
* Issue report on Lodge finances at the monthly ECM meeting.
* Collect and handles all money at OA events and gives a report to the Lodge Advisor.
* Operate the Trading Post at OA events.
* Correspond monthly with your District counterpart.
* Responsible for monthly input to the Vice Chief of Communication for the Lodge Newsletter.
* Attend all Lodge functions.
* Attend monthly lodge executive committee meeting.

Bold equals Primary Duty / Italics equals a Duty in the Field