The Reference collection includes materials such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, yearbooks, prospectuses of local and foreign universities, directories and atlases. Generally these cannot be borrowed. Reference books have the label ‘R’ above the call number. Non-English reference works are shelved here together the English ones. Note that the Dictionaries are located some distance away next to the nearest OPAC machine.

Reference Sources : A select Booklist


General Encyclopedias

  1. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. 29 vols. (R030 BRI)
  2. Collier’s Encyclopedia. New York : Macmillan Education, 1987. 24 vols. (R030 COL)
  3. The World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago : World Book, 1988. 22 vols. (R030 WOR)

Subject Encyclopedias

Social Sciences

  1. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, New York : Collier & Macmillan, 1968. 17 vols. (R300 INT)
  2. Encyclopedia of Crime & Justice. New York : The Free Press, 1983. 4 vols. (R364.0321 ENC)
  3. Encyclopedia of Educational Research. New York : The Free Press, 1982. 4 vols. (R370.7 ENC)


  1. Encyclopedia of Bioethics. New York : The Free Press, 1982. 2 vols. (R174.2 ENC)


  1. An Encyclopedia of World History : Ancient, Medieval and Modern. London : Harrap, 1987. (R909 ENC)
  2. Encyclopedia of Asia History. New York : Charles Scribners’, 1988 4 vols. (R950 ENC)
  3. History of The World. Amsterdam : Time-Life Books, 1990. 21 Vols. (R909 HIS)
  4. The Fact on File Encyclopedia of The 20th Century. New York : Facts On File, 1991 (R909. 82 FAC)

Science and Technology

  1. Grolier Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. Danbury : Grolier, 1986. 6 vols. (R500 GRO)
  2. The New Illustrated Science and Invention Encyclopedia. Westport : H.S.Stuttman, 1987. 26 vols. (R503 NEW)
  3. Macmillan Encyclopedia of Science. New York : Macmillan, 1991. 12 vols. (R503 MAC)
  4. The New Complete Medical and Health Encyclopedia. New York : Lexicon, 1987. (R610 NEW)
  5. The Encyclopedia of Food Science and Technology. New York : John Wiley, 1991. 4 vols. (R664.003 ENC)


General Language Dictionaries

  1. Dictionary of grammar and usage. Singapore : Longman, 1992. (R423 KAM)
  2. Dictionary of differences. London : Bloomsbury, 1992. (R423 URD)
  3. Brewer’s dictionary of 20th-century phrase and fable. London : Cassell, 1991. (R423.1 BRE)
  4. Bloomsbury dictionary of word origins. London : Bloomsbury, 1991. (R423 AYT)
  5. The Oxford dictionary of abbreviations. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1992 (R423.1 OXF)
  6. Bloomsbury dictionary of phrase and illusion. London : Bloomsbury, 1991 (R423 REE)
  7. The Oxford Dictionary of modern slang. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1992 (R423 AYT)
  8. The Oxford Thesaurus : An A-Z dictionary of Synonyms. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1992 (R423 URD)
  9. Longman dictionary of English language and culture. Essex : Longman, 1992 (R423 LON)
  10. A concise Dictionary of English Idioms. London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1993 (R428.24 PHY)
  11. A Concise Dictionary of English Slang. London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1993 (R427.09 PHY)

Subject Dictionaries

Social Sciences

  1. A Dictionary of Political Thought. London : Pan Books, 1983. (R320,03 SCR)
  2. A Dictionary of World Politics. New York : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992 (R320.03 EVA)
  3. Dictionary of The Modern Politics of South-East Asia. London : Routledge, 1995 (R320.959 LEI)
  4. The Dictionary of Modern Economics. London : Macmillan, 1986 (R330.03 DIC)
  5. Longman Dictionary of Modern Politics. London : Cassell Book, 1994 (R320.03 CAS)

Science & Technology

  1. The Australian Dictionary of Science, Technology and the Environment. (R530 VER)
  2. Biographical Dictionary of Medicine. New York : Facts On File, 1990. (R610.992 BEN)
  3. Dictionary of Scientific Literacy. New York : John Wiley, 1992 (R503 BRE)
  4. Dictionary of Physics. Harlow : Longman, 1991. (R530.03 DIC)
  5. Chambers Science and Technology Dictionary. Edinburgh : W & R Chambers, 1988 (R503 CHA)
  6. Macmillan Dictionary of Physics. London : Macmillan, 1986 (R530.03 LDR)
  7. Dictionary of Biology. New York : Facts On File, 1988 (R574.03 DIC)
  8. The Concise Dictionary of Zoology. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1991 ( R591.03 CON)
  9. A Concise Dictionary of Chemistry. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1991 (R540.3 CON)
  10. A Concise Dictionary of Mathematics. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1990 (R510.3 CLA)
  11. Webster’s New World Dictionary of Mathematics. New York : Simin & Schusters, 1989 (R510.3 KAR)
  12. Webster’s New World Dictionary of Computer Terms. New York : Simon & Schuster, 1989 (R004.03 WEB)
  13. Net. Speak The Internet Dictionary. Indianpolis : Hayden, 1994 (R004.603 FAH)


  1. Who Said What : A Chronological Dictionary of Quotations. London : Bloomsbury, 1988 (R8-8.882 WHO)
  2. A Dictionary of Shakespeare’s Sexual Puns and Their Significance. London : Macmillan, 1989 (R822.33 RUB)
  3. A Poet’s Dictionary : A Handbook of Prosody and Poetic Devices. New York : Harper & Row, 1989 (R808.1014 PAC)
  4. The New International Dictionary of Quotations. New York : Penguin Books, 1993 (R808.882 NEW)
  5. The Hutchinson Shakespeare Dictionary : An A-Z Guide to Shakespeare’s Play, Characters and Contemporaries. London : Arrow Books, 1991 (R822.33 HUT)
  6. A Dictionary of Literary, dramatic, And Cinematic Terms. London : Scott, Foresman, 1971 (R803 BAR)
  7. A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. Oxford : Blackwell, 1976 (R803 CUD)
  8. The Longman Dictionary of Poetic Terms. New York : Longman, 1989 (R808.103 MYE)

History & Geography

  1. A Modern Dictionary of Geography. London : Edward Arnold, 1989 (R910.3 SMA)
  2. Longman Dictionary of Geography : Human and Physical. Essex : Longman, 1987 (R910.3 CLA)
  3. A concise Dictionary of Astronomy. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1991 (R520.3 MIT)
  4. A Dictionary of Human Geography. Oxford : Blackwell, 1986 (R910.03 DIC)
  5. The Encyclopedia of Dictionary of Physical Geography. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1994 (R910.0103 ENC)
  6. Macmillan Dictionary of Historical Terms. Surrey : Nelson, 1989 (R903 COO)
  7. Dictionary of Environment and Development : People, Places, Ideas and Organisations. London: Earthscan, 1991. (R333.703 CRU)


  1. The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music. London : Macmillan, 1988 (R780.3 GRO)
  2. The Illustrated Dictionary of Twentieth Century Designers. London : Headline Books, 1991 (R745.44922 ILL)

Social Sciences

  1. The Dictionary of World Politics : A Reference Guide to Concepts, Ideas and Institutions. New York: Harvest Wheat, 1992 (R320.03 EVA)
  2. A Dictionary of Political Thought. London : Pna Books, 1982. (R320.03 SCR)
  3. The Dictionary of Modern Economics. London : Macmillan Press, 1986 (R330.03 DIC)
  4. The Facts On File Dictionary of 20th Century Allusions. New York : Facts on File, 1990 (R031.02 COL)
  5. Cassell Dictionary of Modern Politics. London : Cassell Book, 1994 (R320.03 CAS)


  1. Longman Dictionary of 20th Century Biography. Essex : Longman, 1985 (R920.3 LON)
  2. The international Dictionary of 20th Century Biography. London : Sidgwick & Jackson, 1988 (R920 VER)
  3. A Dictionary of 20th Century World Biography. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1993 (R920 DIC)
  4. British Writers. New York : Charles Scribners’ , 1981. 7 vols. (R820.9 BRI)
  5. American Writers. New York : Charles Scribner’s , 1974 4 vols. (R820.8 AME)


  1. The Statesman’s Year-Book : 1995-1996 London : Macmillan Press, 1995 (R030 STA)
  2. The Economist Year Book London : The Economist Books, 1993 (R052 ECO)
  3. Green Globe Yearbook 1992. New York : Oxford University Press, 1992 (R363.7 NOR)
  4. Yearbook of Statistics Singapore . Singapore : Department of Statistics, 1994 (R315.957 YSS)
  5. Economic Survey of Singapore . Singapore : Singapore National Printers, 1994 (330.5957 ECO)
  6. Singapore 1997. Singapore : Ministry of Information & The Arts, 1997 (R959.57 SIN)
  7. Singapore Facts and Picture. Singapore : Ministry of Information & The Arts, 1997 (R959.57 SIN)


  1. The Facts on File World Political Almanac. New York : Facts On File, 1992 (R909.82 COO)
  2. The 1993 Information Please Almanac : Atlas and Yearbook. New York : Houghton Muffin, 1993 (R050 INF)
  3. The World Almanac and Book of Facts 1993 New York : World Almanac, 1992 (R032 WOR)
  4. Almanac of Modern Terrorism. New York : Facts On File, 1991 (R303.625 SHA)


  1. Singapore Artist Directory. Singapore : Empress Place, 1992 (R709.5957 SIN)
  2. Singapore Government Directory. Singapore MITA, 1993 (R354.5957 SGD)
  3. Directory of Current Research In Academic Year 1991-1993. Singapore : NUS, 1993 (R011.7 NUS)
  4. Directory of Youth Organisations In Singapore . Singapore : National Youth Council, 1993 (R305.235 DIR)
  5. Singapore Street Directory 1995 . Singapore : Singapore National Printers, 1995 (R959.57 SIN)
  6. Singapore : A Guide To Buildings, Streets, Places,1988 (R912.595 EDW)
  7. Caring Features of Schools : A Directory . Singapore : Pastoral Care & Career Guidance Section, 1994 (R373.14 CAR)


  1. The Oxford Practical Atlas. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1992 (R912 OXF)
  2. Atlas of Classical History. New York : Macmillan, 1985 (R912.09 ATL)
  3. Hammond World Atlas. New Jersey : Hammond, 1993 (R912 HAM)
  4. Atlas of Asia and the World. Hong Kong : Newsweek, 1990 (R912 ATL)


  1. Singapore Periodicals Index. Singapore : National Library. (R016.05 SPI)
  2. Publications And Theses (Abstracts) . Singapore : NUS (R011.75 PUB)

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