We believe that what parents look for in a school is determination to provide a well-ordered environment in which pupils can achieve their potential and give of their best.
We believe that Saint Andrew's should be a place of personal development as well as academic excellence, based on Gospel values.
It means care for all pupils {SAFE} It means that Saint Andrew's High should have an atmosphere of good relationships and all should take pride in our school. {HAPPY} This means that our learning environment is one in which the highest standards of teaching & personal care are maintained. {WELL}
Saint Andrew's is a school in which everyone is important. Links with our partner primary schools ensure that we see the education of our young people. We also believe that the partnership between home and school is crucial if our children are to succeed and enjoy their time at Saint Andrew's. Our school is one in which good work of all kinds receives the recognition and praise that it deserves; where the highest standards of conduct are observed through personal responsibility and care for the welfare of all. All of this requires great effort and resources. Our most important resource is our able and dedicated staff-both teaching and support-who make it their duty to know our pupils well, help them to do their best and help develop their talents and skills in a healthy stimulating environment. We aim to provide the best for all our pupils within a Christian environment but we also expect their best at all times.