
The Holy Spirit

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Though most Christians will be loathe to accept it, it is in accordance with true Gnostic precepts to identify this so-called Holy Spirit, (the third spiritual essence and principle within the sacred Trinity) as our own Selfhood.
  The Holy Spirit idea, which may be traced back to the feminine Sophia of the Egyptians, Brahmans, Gnostics and Orphites, etc., was referred to as "Wisdom," and was equated with Knowledge.
  This knowledge may extend to the Son of God, and then to God himself, but it must first begin with Self-Knowledge.

This is literally what Sophia of the Trinity is - Knowledge of the Self. The conspiring forces
which sought to make this Self-Knowledge taboo, and who distorted and complicated our
understanding and veneration of the true Holy Spirit, were attempting to blot out the Self
from the Holy Trinity and from the spiritual canon.
 To imagine the Holy Spirit to be some
vague presence, or to imagine it to be some indefinable aspect of the Virgin Mary, a white
ethereal dove, an abstract metaphysical principle, or an inexplicable mystery, suited the
desires of the (politics) time, but it denied their flock their most valuable key to the gates of salvation.
  What we were not told is that without the key of Knowledge of the Self,the others keys, should they even come into our possession, are worthless.

   Many stand outside at the door, but it is only the solitaries who will enter into the bridal chamber - Jesus
- Jesus Christ (Gospel of Thomas)

  Symbolically speaking, we find it more than suggestive that the dove was chosen to represent the third party of the Blessed Trinity, for it is not a Christian emblem. It is a very ancient pagan symbol.
  The origin of the mystical symbolism of the dove comes from astrology, and from the
gnosis of the ancient Stellar Cults. The dove is, in fact, the symbol for the sign of Scorpio,
which is one of the two major signs of the zodiac connected to the Spirit of Rebellion.
  So, we find it more than significant that the symbol chosen to represent the Higher Self - the true Holy Spirit - should relate directly and undeniably to the spirit, and act, of REBELLION, and to the Spirit of Contradiction.
  Ergo, we find it more than significant that the Bible should proclaim it to be the direst and most irredeemable of sins to contradict or violate the will of this Holy Spirit.

   We can learn to rely upon the great Spirit of Rebellion physically, and socially, and we
can also learn to rely upon it mentally. We need to become accustomed, even acclimatized, to the Spirit of Rebellion, because it is already moving in the world, and will soon make itself vividly apparent.
When the Dove descends into our world, it will,
however, don a quite different garb, a different persona than the one we may be familiar with. The Dove is Scorpio, and it channels the energy of Pluto. In psychological terms,Pluto is the Shadow,(Jung), natures psychic surgeon, her organic hygienist that appears to cleanse the soul of all its toxicity, and repressed debris, so that it may be chastened and virginal enough to perhaps receive the clear elixir of truth.
  That Plutonic Shadow, the emissary of the Holy Spirit, has already been manifesting in the world, and it will continue to do so for a decade or more. Its presence is the harbinger of truth and above all - Freedom.

http://oneheartbook s.com/resources/ articles/ shiva_michael_ tsarion.pdf