Chef Skylar's open restaurant pictures
Chef Skylar's open restaurant pictures
Welcome to the photo album for Chef Skylar's Restaurant! We have different rooms for your enjoyment.

Main restaurant: formal dining room.

Lydia's Fireside room: hippie cafe.

Kitchen: cook your own meals and/or serve others.

Tabby's Playroom: Full of toys, climbing structures, swings, hammocks, scratching posts, etc.

Litter rooms: self-explanatory.

Mini-park: Room to run (especially for woofs), creek, fishpond, garden, open-air deck with firepit.

Bakery: Pastry kitchen and drop-in desserts.

Coffe cups for the kitchen walls
Coffe cups for the kitchen walls 
Walls: Light green
Floor: Light green
Cupboards: Light lemon chiffon
Countertops: Light green