Chef Skylar's open restaurant pictures
Chef Skylar's open restaurant pictures
Welcome to the photo album for Chef Skylar's Restaurant! We have different rooms for your enjoyment.

Main restaurant: formal dining room.

Lydia's Fireside room: hippie cafe.

Kitchen: cook your own meals and/or serve others.

Tabby's Playroom: Full of toys, climbing structures, swings, hammocks, scratching posts, etc.

Litter rooms: self-explanatory.

Mini-park: Room to run (especially for woofs), creek, fishpond, garden, open-air deck with firepit.

Bakery: Pastry kitchen and drop-in desserts.

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Main dining room, except with silver and glow instead of gold
Main dining room, except with silver and glow instead of gold 
Walls: Midnight blue
Floor: Silver
Furniture: Silver (tables will have blue tablecloths on them later)
Accents: Silver glitter in clear paint can be added sparingly to the midnight blue wall parts that aren't covered by the wallies, and to the floor (put on accents after main paint has dried)